
This repository includes problems 9-10 & exercises 10-14 of Bertsekas probability book chapter9

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository includes problems 9-10 & exercises 10-14 of Bertsekas probability book chapter9 by using scipy.stats, matplotlib.pyplot, numpy and math libraris

Requirements 🔧

  • Python version 3.9 or higher.

How to contribute to this repository

. Press the Fork button in order to save copy of this repo on your account.

. Download the files by pressing download button or clone this repo by the the following command in your git bash:

   git clone https://github.com/Taabannn/maximum-likelihood-estimator.git

. Open project in jupyter notebook.

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   git checkout -b branch-name

. Make new changes of repository on new branch.

. Push the changes.

   git add .
   git commit -m "Your commit Message"
   git push origin branch-name

. Make a pull request.

. ⭐ this repository.