One World Academy is a learning management system where users can create courses and browse courses created by other users.
AS A user trying to expand my education,
I WANT to take online courses from a variety of teachers, and or, create courses for students based on my knowledge,
SO THAT I can achieve my educational aspirations.
No installation required for end-user; users can create an account on One World Academy and use their email and password to login.
Users of One World Academy are able to:
- Create a new account and sign up, if a new user, using their first name, last name, email, password, as well as their accounts for Twitter, LinkedIn, and GitHub
- Sign in successfully using their email and password, if a returning user
- Create, update, and delete a course from their profile page
- Create, update, and delete a lesson(s), associated with a specific course from their profile page
- View courses all users have created on the course catalog page
- View a specific course and all associated lessons on a single course page
- View all courses and lessons they have created on their profile page
- Uses a Node and Express server
- Uses Handlebars.js as the template engine
- Backed by a MySQL database with a Sequelize ORM
- Utilizes both GET and POST routes for retrieving and adding new data
- Deployed using Heroku (with data)
- Utilizes at least one new library, package, or technology: Passport
- A polished front end/UI
- A folder structure that meets the MVC paradigm
- Meets good quality coding standards (indentation, scoping, naming)
- Protects API keys in Node with environment variables