
A simple Json Parser built in C++(98).

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A simple JSON Parser built in C++(98).


To use the parser in your project, you must first build the parser using the following command:


This will create a libjsonparser.a file in the repo directory. You can then link this library to your project and include the header file JsonParser.hpp in your source file.


To use the parser first instantiate a JsonParser object with the JSON string as the argument and then call the parse method. The parse method then returns a JsonValue object which can be used to access the parsed JSON data. If the JSON string is invalid, the parse method will throw an exception.

try {

    JsonParser parser("sample.json");
    JsonValue json = parser.parse();

} catch (const std::exception& error) {
    std::cerr << error.what() << std::endl;

Then to access the parsed JSON data, you can use the JsonValue object as follows:

JsonValue json = parser.parse();
for (objectIterator it = json.begin(); it != json.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " : " << it->second << std::endl;

This way you can iterate through the JSON object and access the main key-value pairs. There is also an arrayIterator to iterate through a JSON array.

To find out the type of the value, you can use the getType() method of the JsonValue object and then check with the JsonValue::Type enum.

JsonValue json = parser.parse();
if (json.getType() == JsonValue::Type::OBJECT) {
    // Do something

How to test

To run the included tests, use the following command:

make test

This will run the tests and print the results to the console.

To add more tests, add a new test JSON file in the tests directory.


  • To iterate through the JSON object, you must use the objectIterator and to iterate through JSON arrays you use arrayIterator types defined in the JsonValue class. This is because the JsonValue class is a wrapper around a std::map and a std::vector and the iterators are defined as typedefs in the JsonValue class.
  • The parser does not provide a way to identify the type of the array.
  • The parser removes all whitespaces so if there are any whitespaces in a JSON string, they will be removed.
  • The iteration through the JSON object is not in the order of the keys in the JSON string. This is because the std::map does not guarantee the order of the keys.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
