Assignment Instructions

General Idea

Super simple idea behind this week's assignment: use the restaurant menu REST API to create a master/detail view pair.

Your application should have 3 views (i.e., 3 view states): home (home), categories list (categories), items list (items).

As long as the views are functional and readable, the styling does not really matter and is not graded.

When the user goes to / path in your application, a home screen should be shown. It's up to you what you place on the home screen. You can just say "Welcome to our Restaurant". The home screen should have a link to a list of categories of menu items in the restaurant. Clicking that link would obviously take the user to the /categories view.

The categories view should list all available categories of items on the menu. Each listing should be a link. Clicking that link should take the user to the /items view. Note that since what the items view state shows is dependent on which category the user clicked, the URL mapping will need to have a parameter in it. I.e., don't take the URLs I am listing in the assignment description as literal URLs. They are just naming hints.

Make sure that if, while viewing the list of menu items for a particular category, the user copies the URL in the browser's address bar and pastes it into a new tab or a different browser, that the view is the same as the original one.

See my solution web page