
E2E automated test for todomvc using #WDIO

Primary LanguageJavaScript


E2E automated test for todomvc using #WDIO

This project is built with:!

  • WebdriverIO
  • Mocha



All the requierd software and packages you will find here: WebdriverIO

How to run the Test:

  • Open your Terminal
  • Create dir ($ mkdir) where you want to clone the project
  • clone the project https://github.com/Tabaaza/todomvc-wdio-FV.git
  • Wait until complite and the project ready
  • Open Treminal with the project path and type:
npm run test 


  1. As User, Should Home page load as expected.
  2. As User, Should be able to add New Todo
  3. As User, Should delete todo
  4. As User, Should mark todo as Complete
  5. As User, Should find todo in Copmlete tab
  6. As User, Should not find the completed todo in Active tab
  7. As User, Should Mark all as complete
  8. As User, Should Clear all Completed Items and back empty stat

Task Notion doc: https://tangible-coach-7d5.notion.site/TodoMVC-facefd292d714ed4838e57b155b2dfa1


Running the test locally




Omar Tabaza