Ensure your local PC has node v8.15.0
& npm 6.6.0
Verify node version: node -v
Verify npm version: npm -v
1.) Run in your project via terminal npm i tabcorp-cucumber-protractor-framework-v2
2.) Replicate the e2e.conf.json and protractor.conf.ts inside your own e2e/config folder
> Found in example_conf
3.) Create a cucumber feature with a scenario that leverages a step from the common framework
4.) Add the below to your scripts within package.json
"e2e": "shx rm -rf dist && tsc && ./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update && ./node_modules/protractor/bin/protractor ./dist/e2e/config/protractor.conf.js"
5.) Run the scenario using npm run e2e
6.) Install any required packages locally eg.
npm install cucumber@latest --save-dev
npm install protractor@latest --save-dev
npm install protractor-cucumber-framework@latest --save-dev
Clone this repository to your local machine
Within your new repository, from the command line (in the tabcorp-cucumber-protractor-framework-v2 folder) run:
npm install npm run build
You can find a sample project in /sample_project
- Copy and Paste this into your project to get started (update paths inside e2e.conf.json)
# install packages
npm install
# build the project
npm run build
# Starting compilation in watch mode
npm watch
# execute unit testing
npm run test
# Remove dist directory
npm run clean
1.) Increase version
under package.json
2.) Get your dev branch code reviewd and merged to master
3.) Get latest master locally and publish npm - ensure you have a npm account first
npm login
npm publish
- /config (contains your protractor.conf.ts and e2e.conf.json)
- /features (.feature files)
- /feature-rules
- /IoC
- custom
- /mappings
- custom
- /reports
- /step-definitions
- custom
- /support
- /custom hooks
- /framework-helpers
- /implementations
- custom
- /interfaces
- interfaces
- /logger
- custom
- /step-helpers
- custom
- /unit
- custom
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" (does not )?contains? the "([^"])" element
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" for specific "([^"])" (does not )?contains? the "([^"]*)" element
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" (does not )?contains? the "([^"])" for specific "([^"]*)" element
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" for specific "([^"])" (does not )?contains? the "([^"])" for specific "([^"])" element
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" contains "([0-9]+)" "([^"])" (?:element|elements)
- Then the "([^"])" containing the text "([^"])" has a "([^"]*)" element
- Then the "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element) should( not)? be present
- Then the "([^"])" for specific "([^"])" (?:button|link|icon|element) should( not)? be present
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" element should( not)? be present
- Then the "([^"])" element within the "([^"])" should( not)? be present
- Then the "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element|radio button) should( not)? be enabled
- Then the "([^"])" for specific "([^"])" (?:button|link|icon|element|radio button) should( not)? be enabled
- Then the "([^"]*)" (?:checkbox|radio button) should( not)? be selected
- Then the "([^"])" (?:checkbox|radio button) within the "([^"])" should( not)? be selected
- Then the "([^"])" for specific "([^"])" (?:checkbox|radio button) should( not)? be selected
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" (?:checkbox|radio button) should( not)? be selected
- Then I should be in the jurisdiction "([^"]*)"
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" contains the time "([^"])"
- Then the "([^"]*)" contains the current month and year
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" contains the current year
- Then the selected option in "([^"]*)" contains the current month
- Then the selected option in "([^"]*)" contains the current year
- Then I should be on the "([^"]*)" page
- Then I see the "([^"]*)" page title
- Then the current url contains "([^"]*)"
- Then a new tab is open with the url containing "([^"]*)"
- Then a new tab will be opened with the url containing "([^"]*)"
- Then the "([^"]*)" table eventually contains the following
- Then the "([^"]*)" table contains the following
- Then the "([^"]*)" table does not contain the following
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" table contains the following
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" table does not contain the following
- Then I am logged out
- Then the "([^"]*)" contains no text$
- Then the "([^"])" (does not )?contains? the "([^"])"
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" (does not )?contains? the "([^"])"
- Then the "([^"])" for specific "([^"])" (does not )?contains? the text "([^"]*)"
- Then the "([^"])" for specific "([^"])" (does not )?contains? the "([^"])" attribute "([^"])"
- Then the "([^"])" (does not )?contains? the "([^"])" attribute
- Then the "([^"])" (does not )?contains? the "([^"])" attribute "([^"]*)"
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" (does not )?contains? the "([^"])" attribute "([^"]*)"
- Then the "([^"])" should equal the value "([^"])"
- Then the "([^"])" (does not )?contains? the value "([^"])"
- Then the "([^"])" element within the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" element (does not )?contains? the "([^"])" attribute "([^"])"
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" (?:option|element|input|dropdown) contains the text "([^"])"
- Then the last "([^"])" (?:option|element|input|dropdown) contains the text "([^"])"
- Then the "([^"])" (?:element|option|dropdown) contains a total of "([^"])" options
- Then the "([^"])" eventually contains the text "([^"])"
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" eventually contains the text "([^"])"
- Then I can see "([^"])" "([^"])" (?:buttons|links|icons|element|elements)
- Then I can see "(\d*)" "([^"])" for specific "([^"])" (?:buttons|links|icons|elements)
- Then I can see (more than|at least) "(\d+)" "([^"]*)" (?:buttons|links|icons|elements)
- Then I can see (more than|at least) "(\d+)" "([^"])" for specific "([^"])" (?:buttons|links|icons|elements)
- Then I can see "(\d*)" "([^"])" within the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])"
- Then I see the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" within the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])"
- Then I can see "(\d*)" "([^"]*)" (?:buttons|links|icons|element|elements) displayed
- Then I can see "(\d*)" "([^"])" within the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" displayed
- Then the "([^"]*)" element should( not)? be displayed
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" element should( not)? be displayed
- Then the "([^"])" for specific "([^"])" (?:button|link|icon|element) should( not)? be displayed
- Then the "([^"]*)" element is eventually present
- Then the "([^"]*)" element is eventually displayed
- Then the "([^"]*)" element is eventually not displayed
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" element is eventually displayed
- Then the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" element is eventually not displayed
- When I (accept)?( dismiss)? the alert dialog
- When I mouse over (the )?"([^"]*)"
- When I hover over (the )?"([^"]*)"
- When I hover over the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)"
- When I move the mouse "([^"])" to the right and "([^"])" down from the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" element
- When I switch to the "(new open|1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]+th)" tab
- When I wait "([^"]*)" seconds
- When I click the "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element|radio button)
- When I click the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element)
- When I click the "([^"])" for specific "([^"])" (?:button|link|icon|element|radio button)
- When I click the "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element|radio button) "([0-9])" times
- When I click the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" (?:button|link|icon|element) "([^"])" times
- When I click the "([^"])" for specific "([^"])" (?:button|link|icon|element|radio button) "([0-9]+)" times
- When I click the "([^"])" with the text "([^"])"
- When I click the "([^"])" (?:button|link|icon|element) within the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])"
- When I click the "([^"])" (?:button|link|icon|element) within the "([^"])"
- When I click the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" (?:button|link|icon|element|checkbox) within the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])"
- When I click the "([^"])" (?:button|link|icon|element) in the "([^"])" (?:dialog|element|form)
- When I click the "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element|radio button) that is displayed
- When I click the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element) that is displayed
- When I click the "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element|radio button) using javascript
- When the "([^"]*)" is eventually clickable (angular only)
- When I eventually click the "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element|radio button|check box) (angular only)
- When I eventually click the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element|radio button|check box) (angular only)
- When I fill in the "([^"])" input with "([^"])"
- When I fill in the "([^"]*)" input with a random valid email address
- When I fill in the "([^"])" input with "([^"])" within the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element)
- When I fill in the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" input with "([^"])" within the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"]*)" (?:button|link|icon|element)
- When I clear the field "([^"]*)"
- When I select the option starting with "([^"])" from the "([^"])" (?:element|field|dropdown)
- When I select the option "([^"])" from the "([^"])" (?:element|field|dropdown)
- When I select the "([^"])" as "([^"])"
- When the "([0-9]+th|[0-9]+st|[0-9]+nd|[0-9]+rd)" "([^"])" (?:option|element|input) contains the text "([^"])"
- When the last "([^"])" (?:option|element|input) contains the text "([^"])"
- When the "([^"])" (?:element|dropdown) contains a total of "([^"])" options
- When I fill in the "([^"])" input with "([^"])" in the "([^"]*)" form
- When the "([^"]*)" input field is empty
- When I select the jurisdiction "([^"]*)"
- When I am not logged in
- When I am logged in with username "([^"])" and password "([^"])"
- When I log in with username "([^"])" and password "([^"])"
- When I sign out
- When I fill the username "([^"])" and password "([^"])" in the login prompt
- When I navigate to the "([^"]*)" page
- When I refresh the page
- When I navigate to the URL "([^"]*)"
- When I execute the script "([^"]*)"
- When I setup the site for "([^"]*)"