
A small platformer using basic Unity assets

Primary LanguageC#


This is a small game I am hoping to port to mobile purely to give me experience on how to do this. The game is made from following a tutorial which can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dP7R-GbFkM

To play in Unity open Project in Unity 2018.3.0f2, and run the main scene.

Player can jump using space and can also double jump.

Currently the game has the basic endless running feature as well as a score.

Note: This project has since been left unfinished due to other priorities and the features to be added will likely remain unfinished

Features to be added

  • Menu screens e.g. Main Menu, Game Over Menu, High Scores, etc.
  • Mobile Capability
  • Minor gameplay fixes and tweaks
  • Power-ups such as Sheilds or Score Bonuses
  • Additional Hazards such as Spikes