This bot

This Telegram bot, currently live as @just_checking_in_bot, helps you remind stuff or record stuff. Currently it's useable only as a thridaily reminder to take your medications.

Although it is publicly available (source and bot), in the current state it will not be useful to most people.

Basic functionality

Users configure the bot from a telegram conversation, either 1-on-1 with the bot or from a group with the bot. They request reminders on a schedule, that gets saved in the schedules collection in Firestore. Every couple of minutes, a scheduled job uses the schedules to prepare and plan future questions in the questions collection. Then, it checks for any planned questions and asks them in the conversation that requested the schedule in the first place.

From there, the user can answer via an inline keyboard and the Telegram webhook saves the answer on the question in the collection.

Future functionality could include:

  • Different schedules, eg random points within intervals
  • Recurring actions, eg when answering "No" to a reminder, remind again in x minutes
  • Processing of the results, eg to find a correlation between different answers
  • Better insight and management of current schedules, eg seeing what's enabled and adjusting it, instead of only blindly clearing it
  • A better test method, eg "/once" to get 1 question
  • Processing of paramaters, eg "/remind " instead of only having it pre-programmed
  • Edit messages instead of deleting and sending



The npm library to connect to Telegram. Enables both the active sending of messages, as well as processing the incoming updates.


Googles NoSQL document store database. Here, we save the requested schedules and the planned/asked/answered questions.


Used on a schedule, for our own planning and asking of questions. Used as an http endpoint, set as webhook for Telegram, for any Telegram incoming messages.


firebase use --add