This script is for Linux. You can find help to make it in windows here (Spanish) In your system, create a file. $ touch Open it with a editor. $ nano Copy the contents of the file here, edit it to suit your folders and save. Adapt the start and stop commands. Make the script executable. $ chmod 777 Test it. Could be you will need to sudo it. $ ./ Add it to the crontab of the user that owns the metadata folder. If it is root you will need to sudo it. $ crontab -e 59 * * * * /home/daniel/ The script will create a compresed file every hour, and will keep the last one of the day for a week. In the backups folder you will end up having files called scprime-00.tgz up to scprime-22.tgz, and also scprime-monday.tgz to scprime-sunday.tgz Donations welcome: SCP: 29397f5ac09162c48aeea537c4950d90a6b370899a2c8054a71e82ab4954228bb63e59c56464