
This is the repository to store all well-elaborated scripts used in my everyday research life

Primary LanguagePython

Scripts Repository

This repository is to store some well-elaborated scripts to use in my everyday research life. Some of them may be interested to others.


This perl script is written by Marc Baaden to transfer GROMACS topology file or PDB file to psf file for other use

usage: top2psf.pl -p input.top [-P input.pdb] -o output.psf

I am working on transfering this perl script to python version to make compatible with my own script


This python script is to concatenate multiple psf files generated by top2psf.pl, with several options to include

usage: catpsf.py -p inputlist -w #ofsolventmol -o output.psf


This is a working python script that have similar function as Marc's perl script, top2psf.pl, to transfer GROMACS topology file to psf file for other use. (Right now we only support transferring atom and bond information to psf file)

usage: top2psf.py -p input.top -o output.psf


This python script is to build gaussian 16 input file from extracted PDB file, for both DFT and semi-empirical ZINDO calcualtions.

For protein ET, bridges are usually amino acid sidechains, we replace alpha-C with hydrogen to cap the sidechain as single molecule to include in QM calculations, and further specific feature is included in -s option

usage: geninp_g16.py -p input.pdb -n nprocshared -m memory -s specific_feature -o output


This python script is to build template gaussian 16 input file from extracted PDB file, in a clean and compact version comparing to previous geninp_g16.py

usage: g16geninp.py -p input -n nprocshared -m memory -s specific_feature [-nt nterminal -ct cterminal] -o output


This python script is to calculate electronic coupling based on Block Diagonalization method.

usage: calHda_BD.py -f fock -s overlap -nb #ofbasis -ne #ofelectron -o output_prefix


This python script is to calculate electronic coupling based on orbital-based GMH method.

usage: calHda_GMH.py -f fock -s overlap [-m MO_coefficient] -d dipole [-no orbitals -al acceptor_list -dl donor_list -ml mo_list --length_threshold threshold]-o output