
Program that reads a data file and constructs an adjacency list. It then finds if there is any two-legged path (route) between two cities. (C++)

Primary LanguageC++

Graph Traversal

Data Structures/Concepts Used:

Adjacency List, Array of Structs, Pointers, Nested Loops, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), File I/O, Header and cpp files


This assignment asks you to write a program that (1) reads a data file named infile.txt and constructs the adjacency list above and (2) finds if there is any two-legged path (route) between the two cities. YOU DONOT HAVE THE USE A STACK. A NESTED LOOP IS ADEQUATE FOR TWO-LEGGED PATHS Next, the program should prompt the user be enter the names of two cities between which a path is requested. The program should then locate any path between the two cities and compute the distance of the path


Tacuma Solomon
Computer Science 3

Atlanta 5 800 6 600
Austin 3 200 5 160
Chicago 4 1000
Dallas 1 200 2 900 4 780
Denver 0 1400 2 1000
Houston 0 800
Washington 0 600 3 1300

Enter two cities that you wish to find a path: Austin Chicago
A path exists between Austin and Chicago .
Distance of Path: 1100

() Code by Tacuma Solomon
() Not for Redistribution or Reuse.

Press any key to continue . . .


####infile.txt Atlanta 2 5 800 6 600 Austin 2 3 200 5 160 Chicago 1 4 1000 Dallas 3 1 200 2 900 4 780 Denver 2 0 1400 2 1000 Houston 1 0 800 Washington 2 0 600 3 1300