Podman CLI Server: Illegal instruction (core dumped)
Daksitha opened this issue · 0 comments
I used algebr/openface docker image with podman to get openface on my server. The server is running Linux with CUDA
NVIDIA-SMI 495.29.05 Driver Version: 495.29.05 CUDA Version: 11.5
I wish to run OpenFace on a video corpus and extract feature using Featurextraction
To Reproduce Steps: I have simply pulled the docker image and used it with a video and sample tesla image. On image, it creates processed folder and empty .hog and detail report and stopped throwing the Illegal instruction (core dump) error shown at the end of this message. Then I cloned the repo and tried with build the image from DockerFile using podman build. Podman does not support docker-compose. Therefore, I had to go to the image that was build one before last (image created before the shrunk ubuntu-based image)
Expected behavior: I have downloaded the exe files on a Windows machine and ran on the same video material. It works perfectly fine.
Instead of the core dump error as shown at the end of the message, it ended with a closing message as shown and expected csv file and output video. I really want to set up my pipeline using podman/container therefore your help would be highly appreciated. Thank you!
Device or file opened
Starting tracking
Reading the MTCNN face detector from: model/mtcnn_detector/MTCNN_detector.txt
Reading the PNet module from: model/mtcnn_detector\PNet.dat
Reading the RNet module from: model/mtcnn_detector\RNet.dat
Reading the ONet module from: model/mtcnn_detector\ONet.dat
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Closing output recorder
Closing input reader
Closed successfully
Postprocessing the Action Unit predictions
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
OS: Linux
Version: Server base, CLI controled
Compiler: Docker/Podamn
Additional context: Error I receive:
root@d6b32e1bdc96:~/openface# ./build/bin/FaceLandmarkImg -f tesla.jpg
Could not find the HAAR face detector location
Loading the model
Reading the landmark detector/tracker from: ./build/bin/model/main_ceclm_general.txt
Reading the landmark detector module from: ./build/bin/model/cen_general.txt
Reading the PDM module from: ./build/bin/model/pdms/In-the-wild_aligned_PDM_68.txt....Done
Reading the Triangulations module from: ./build/bin/model/tris_68.txt....Done
Reading the intensity CEN patch experts from: ./build/bin/model/patch_experts/cen_patches_0.25_of.dat....Done
Reading the intensity CEN patch experts from: ./build/bin/model/patch_experts/cen_patches_0.35_of.dat....Done
Reading the intensity CEN patch experts from: ./build/bin/model/patch_experts/cen_patches_0.50_of.dat....Done
Reading the intensity CEN patch experts from: ./build/bin/model/patch_experts/cen_patches_1.00_of.dat....Done
Reading part based module....left_eye_28
Reading the landmark detector/tracker from: ./build/bin/model/model_eye/main_clnf_synth_left.txt
Reading the landmark detector module from: ./build/bin/model/model_eye/clnf_left_synth.txt
Reading the PDM module from: ./build/bin/model/model_eye/pdms/pdm_28_l_eye_3D_closed.txt....Done
Reading the intensity CCNF patch experts from: ./build/bin/model/model_eye/patch_experts/left_ccnf_patches_1.00_synth_lid_.txt....Done
Reading the intensity CCNF patch experts from: ./build/bin/model/model_eye/patch_experts/left_ccnf_patches_1.50_synth_lid_.txt....Done
Could not find the HAAR face detector location
Reading part based module....right_eye_28
Reading the landmark detector/tracker from: ./build/bin/model/model_eye/main_clnf_synth_right.txt
Reading the landmark detector module from: ./build/bin/model/model_eye/clnf_right_synth.txt
Reading the PDM module from: ./build/bin/model/model_eye/pdms/pdm_28_eye_3D_closed.txt....Done
Reading the intensity CCNF patch experts from: ./build/bin/model/model_eye/patch_experts/ccnf_patches_1.00_synth_lid_.txt....Done
Reading the intensity CCNF patch experts from: ./build/bin/model/model_eye/patch_experts/ccnf_patches_1.50_synth_lid_.txt....Done
Could not find the HAAR face detector location
Reading the landmark validation module....Done
Model loaded
Reading the AU analysis module from: ./build/bin/AU_predictors/main_static_svms.txt
Reading the AU predictors from: ./build/bin/AU_predictors/AU_all_static.txt... Done
Reading the PDM from: ./build/bin/AU_predictors/In-the-wild_aligned_PDM_68.txt... Done
Reading the triangulation from:./build/bin/AU_predictors/tris_68_full.txt... Done
Reading the MTCNN face detector from: ./build/bin/model/mtcnn_detector/MTCNN_detector.txt
Reading the PNet module from: ./build/bin/model/mtcnn_detector/PNet.dat
Reading the RNet module from: ./build/bin/model/mtcnn_detector/RNet.dat
Reading the ONet module from: ./build/bin/model/mtcnn_detector/ONet.dat
Starting tracking
Illegal instruction (core dumped)