OpenFace – a state-of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation.
- aaronzsEarth
- alfredtofuGuangzhou
- amoyehTaiwan
- benbuleongEducational Testing Service
- beraldofilippo@spotify
- cudaCY2
- eloy-hpHP Inc.
- erasaur
- floeAalborg University
- hqxsnCanada\Surrey
- iyinchao@Tencent
- jankolkmeier
- KeeganRenHangzhou,China
- kingloo2014
- Kj1Hangaar, audiovisual interactive installations for theatre
- LinZhinengGuangdong University of Technology
- liquidzymShangHai
- lukasreuterHonigstudios
- luoyetxShopee
- micuat
- Neill3d
- orakle
- pppoeBellevue, WA
- qihaiyanQingdao, China
- rayyeeLees Robots Technology
- StatMLBeijing, China
- thisancogBerlin
- tmsnvddevbridge
- TrueBlue10
- vinjnNVIDIA
- vsooda@bytedance
- YuliangXiuMax Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
- zclflyPeking University
- zhangqianhuiUniversity of Trento
- zhouniandi
- zjwzcnjsy