This is a collection of scripts and notes so that I can develop Android apps on my device when I need to. I have been setting it up using my OnePlus 6T (running LineageOS 18.1), but am transitioning to the Surface Duo due to it's dual screen functionality. The intention is to use Emacs as an IDE for on-the-go App development. This is particularly useful to me as I am often in a place where I do not have stable access to a computer.
- Termux
- XServer SDL
- AnLinux (Simplifies the process)
- Hackers Keyboard
- Emacs - set as termux-file-editor
- XFCE deskop
- Android command line tools
- Onboard Keyboard
- Git
- Python3
- qemu-user-static
- Emacs
- SXMO desktop
- See above
- 720x1504 ratio (OnePlus 6T)
- export DISPLAY=localhost:0
- xfce4-session