
Orchestrating complex page layout animations with a flick of your wrist.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Conductor (conductor-animate)

Orchestrating complex page layout animations with a flick of the wrist.

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Conductor is a React animation library that makes it easier to coordinate animations across your layout from a single, simple configuration. Coordinating complex page layout animations is now simple and easy.

We provide some animations out-of-the-box, but the Conductor System is animation library-agnostic so you can create your own custom animations and inject them in.



npm install conductor-animate


yarn add conductor-animate

Basic Usage

import React from 'react';
import { Conductor, Animated } from 'conductor-animate';
import { Fade } from 'conductor-animate/animations';

// Define the Animation mapping
const animations = { Fade };

// Define the configuration
const config = {
  "HeaderSection": {
    animation: 'Fade',
    duration: 500,
    delay: 200,

const App = () => {
  // Render the Page w/ the Conductor and Animated
  return (
    <Conductor animations={animations} config={config}>
      <Animated id="HeaderSection">
        <h1>This Header will fade in</h1>

export default App;


Checkout our Storybook for live demos!


Conductor (source)

Conducts all nested Animated wrappers by providing directions on how to animate. Be sure that your Conductor wraps all Animated wrappers that you are expecting to animate.


<Conductor animations={animations} config={config}>
  <Animated id="HeaderSection" additional={{ index: 0 }}>
  <Animated id="BodySection" additional={{ index: 1 }}>
  <Animated id="FooterSection" additional={{ index: 2 }}>

"animations" prop

The "animations" prop is a mapping of animations that are used by the Conductor and live within the given "config". Be sure to keep this map as narrowed down as much as possible to avoid shipping unnecessary animations to your app. We also recommend creating this mapping outside of your render method to cut down on re-renders.


  [animation: string]: ComponentType,
  • animation: The animation name paired with the Animation component.


  Fade: Fade,
  Flip: Flip,
  Shrink: Shrink,
  Slide: Slide,
  CustomAnimation: CustomAnimation,

"config" prop

The "config" prop defines the directions for how each Animated wrapper should animate. The config can be of two types, an object or a function.

Simple (object)

For simple, straightforward animations, use an object "config". For each Animate wrapper nested within the Conductor, you will need to specify a configuration for all IDs. You will receive an error if you miss one!


  [id: string]: {
    animation: string,
    [option: string]: any
  • id: The ID of a nested Animated. All Animated wrappers must have an associated config.
  • animation: The name that maps directly to an animation in the "animations" mapping.
  • option: Additional props that are passed to the Animation. You can define as many options as are required/allowed by the Animation.


  HeadingSection: {
    animation: 'Fade',
  ContentSection: {
    animation: 'Fade',
    duration: 1000,
  FooterSection: {
    animation: 'Fade',
    duration: 1000,
    delay: 500,
Advanced (function)

For advanced and complex animations, you can use a function "config". The function takes in the Animated ID and additional data and should then return the config for that given Animated wrapper.


(id: string, additional: object) => ({
  animation: string,
  [option: string]: any
  • id: The ID of the Animated component.
  • additional: Any additional information that can be passed to identify a specific Animated. (e.g. index)
  • animation: The name that maps directly to an Animation in the "animations" mapping.
  • option: Additional props that are passed to the Animation. You can define as many options as needed.


(id, additional) => {
  if (id === 'HeadingSection') {
    return { animation: 'Fade' };

  if (additional.index === 1) {
    return {
      animation: 'Fade',
      duration: 1000,

  return {
    animation: 'Fade',
    duration: 1000,
    delay: 500,

Animated (source)

A wrapper component that will apply an animation to its inner contents. It will receive directions from the Conductor on which Animation to use and how to use it.


<Conductor animations={animations} config={config}>
  <Animated id="AnimatedSection" additional={{ index: 0 }}>

"id" prop

Each Animated wrapper must be given an "id" prop. The ID must have an associated configuration in the "config".





"additional" prop

When the "config" provided to the Conductor is a function, you can pass additional information about an Animated wrapper through the "additional" prop. The "config" function can use this information to make more specific decisions on how the Animated should animate.


  [additional: string]: any


  index: 0,


Within the Conductor System, an Animation is a wrapper component that applies some styles/logic to its content. This can be done in any way that the Animation chooses.


<Fade duration={1500} delay={500}>
  <div>I WILL ANIMATE!!!</div>

Conductor is compatible with all Animation libraries as long as it animates using a wrapper component.

Common Animation Libraries

Passing props to an Animation

The Animation can receive additional options that are defined in the "config". For example, if you have the following config...

  animation: 'Fade',
  duration: 1500,
  delay: 500,

duration and delay are additional options and will be passed to the Fade Animation as props like so...

<Fade duration={1500} delay={500}>

Out-Of-The-Box Animations (source)

The Conductor library ships with some Animations that you can use directly.

Fade (source, demo)

Fades the content in.


  • duration: how long the animation should take (ms)
  • delay: how long the animation should wait until starting (ms)

Example Config

  animation: 'Fade',
  duration: 5000,
  delay: 1000,

Slide (source, demo)

Slides the content in.


  • duration: how long the animation should take (ms)
  • delay: how long the animation should wait until starting (ms)

Example Config

  animation: 'Slide',
  duration: 5000,
  delay: 1000,

Flip (source, demo)

Rotates the content in (similar to flipping a coin).


  • duration: how long the animation should take (ms)
  • delay: how long the animation should wait until starting (ms)

Example Config

  animation: 'Flip',
  duration: 5000,
  delay: 1000,

Shrink (source, demo)

Shrinks the content into position.


  • duration: how long the animation should take (ms)
  • delay: how long the animation should wait until starting (ms)

Example Config

  animation: 'Shrink',
  duration: 5000,
  delay: 1000,


Tae Kim – @taekimjrtaekimjr@gmail.com

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.



  1. Fork it (https://github.com/TaeKimJR/conductor/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Publishing a new version to NPM

  1. Update the version (semver)
npm version 1.2.3
  1. Push to master
git push origin master v1.2.3
  1. Publish
npm publish
  1. Deploy the latest Storybook
npm run deploy-storybook