
Adds a few key events to the Laravel ecosystem

Primary LanguagePHP


Adds two new key events to the Laravel ecosystem


\Taema\LaravelExtendedEvents\Events\JobFailedEvent is dispatched when a job fails. The job needs to use the trait Taema\LaravelExtendedEvents\Behavior\InteractsWithQueue instead of the one provided by Laravel. This enables a way to react to all jobs in the project (Logging or reporting via Sentry for example).

Event Attributes

PRoperty Type Description
$exception \Exception The caught exception during the job execution


\Taema\LaravelExtendedEvents\Events\AuthorizationFailedEvent is dispatched when a Gate or Policy fails in Laravel. This will help debugging where a 403 comes from.

The package will replace the Illuminate\Auth\Access\Gate with Taema\LaravelExtendedEvents\Services\Gate

Event Attributes

Property Type Description
$ability string The tested ability in the Gate or Policy (Usually via the $this->authorize() in a controller)
$arguments array The arguments passed to the ability test (Usually one or many Models). Note that even if the argument is passed a scalar value instead of an array it will be converted to an array (Ex. $this->authorize('view', $movie) will provide $arguments === [$movie])
$user User|null The authenticated user if it was available at the moment of the Gate/Policy failure