
This is a clone of the AirBnB app created using html/css

Primary LanguagePython

HBNB is a complete web application, integrating database storage, HTML/CSS templating, API, front-end and others.

This team project is part of the ALX School Software Engineering program. It represents the first step towards building a full web application: the AirBnB clone.

This first step consists of:

a custom command-line interface for data management, and the base classes for the storage of this data. Usage ��� The console works both in interactive mode and non-interactive mode, much like a Unix shell. It prints a prompt (hbnb) and waits for the user for input.

Command Example Run the console ./console.py Quit the console (hbnb) quit Display the help for a command (hbnb) help Create an object (prints its id) (hbnb) create Show an object (hbnb) show or (hbnb) .show() Destroy an object (hbnb) destroy or (hbnb) .destroy() Show all objects, or all instances of a class (hbnb) all or (hbnb) all Update an attribute of an object (hbnb) update "" or (hbnb) .update(, , "") Interactive mode (example) $ ./console.py (hbnb) help

Documented commands (type help ):

EOF help quit

(hbnb) (hbnb) (hbnb) quit $ Non-interactive mode (example) $ echo "help" | ./console.py (hbnb)

Documented commands (type help ):

EOF help quit (hbnb) $ $ cat test_help help $ $ cat test_help | ./console.py (hbnb)

Documented commands (type help ):

EOF help quit (hbnb) $ Testing 📏 Unittests for the HolbertonBnB project are defined in the tests folder. To run the entire test suite simultaneously, execute the following command:

$ python3 unittest -m discover tests Alternatively, you can specify a single test file to run at a time:

$ python3 unittest -m tests/test_console.py