
An environment based on docker for the currency converter

Primary LanguageShell

Currency converter


A simple application backed by Zend framework and Docker containers that converts currencies


  • docker, please follow your distro's installatio procedure
  • docker-compose sudo pip install docker-compose
  • git
  • xargs
  • sed
  • awk


git clone --recursive -j8 git@github.com:Tafhim/currency-converter-environment.git currency_converter
cd currency_converter


To start the server ./start.sh To shut down ./shutdown.sh


  • If you face permission denied issues when trying to edit code, go into docker/php/entrypoint.sh and change the USER_ID value to your own UNIX user ID, you can find that out using the command id
  • Some config files are being ignored by the git repo, such as docker-compose.yml
  • Please don't delete the instance file. It's the installation ID that helps avoid container name collisions

Please provide feedback and suggestions to help me improve this.