
A programm for calculating average expenses from a ledger journal.

Primary LanguagePython

A programm for calculating average expenses from a ledger journal.


Clone repo and maybe setup an alias to python3 run.py.


To let the programm calculate your monthly / yearly expenses (and income) you can start the programm with these parameter:

parameter description
file your ledger journal file. leave blank, if you set up the LEDGER_FILE variable.
-e / --expense use multiple times to add each account describing your expenses. input holds the account and its name for the ouput.
-i / --income same as for --expense, but for the income accounts.
-m / --months define how many months should be used for the average calculation. default is 12.
-y / --yearly the programm now calculates the yearly instead of the monthly income / expenses.
-t / --time the program interpretes the journal as a time journal.


Maybe some day there will be a python3 ledger module and I will embed this. The programm would be so much faster without the os.popen stuff.


The changelog is here CHANGELOG.md.