#Student Management System This Kotlin program is a simple console-based Student Management System that allows users to perform various operations related to student data. Users can add students, view rankings based on TYT and AYT grades, delete students, and exit the program.

##Features #Add Student

Users can input details such as student name, surname, school number, TYT grade, AYT grade, and target job to add a new student to the system.

#Sort by TYT Score

Displays a ranking of students based on their TYT grades in descending order.

#Sort by AYT Score

Displays a ranking of students based on their AYT grades in descending order.

#Delete Student

Users can remove a student by entering the school number of the student they want to delete.


Allows the user to exit the program. ##How to Use Run the program, and a menu will be displayed with the available options. Enter the corresponding option number to perform the desired operation. Follow the prompts to input data when adding a student or removing a student. View rankings based on TYT or AYT scores.