
Backend With C#


It is a Car Rental Backend project written in .Net, developed within the framework of Enterprise Layered Architecture and SOLID principles.

  • Core: The core layer of the project is used for universal operations.
  • DataAccess: It is the layer that connects the project to the Database.
  • Entities: It was created to use our tables in the database as objects in our project. It also includes DTO objects.
  • Business: It is the business layer of our project. Various business rules; Data controls, validations, IoC Containers and authorization checks
  • WebAPI: It is the Restful API Layer of the project. Methods used: Get, Post, Put, Delete

Used Technologies

  • .Net Core 3.1
  • Restful API
  • Result Types
  • Interceptor
  • Autofac
    • IoC Containers
    • AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
      • Caching
      • Performance
      • Transaction
      • Validation
  • Fluent Validation
  • Cache Management
  • JWT Authentication
  • Repository Design Pattern
  • Cross Cutting Concerns
    • Caching
    • Validation
  • Extensions
    • Claim
      • Claim Principal
    • Exception Middleware
    • Service Collection
    • Error Handling
      • Error Details
      • Validation Error Details