
Subtract a Square Game

Primary LanguagePython

Code Conventions

  • Class Name starts with uppercase and every new word is capitalized i.e Vertex, NewClass, ....
  • Function Name starts with lowercase and every new word is capitalized i.e foo, fooName, ....
  • Comments: You must write a description before defining a Class or a Function.
  • For Allah You have to write a comment line before every line of code you write.
  • We use Spaces not Tabs, 1Tab = 4Spaces.
  • Always write a multi-line comment to test you code.
  • A line Must not be more than 80 column.

Fucntion example:

 * Describe what fooWord() does.
 * Describe the arguments.
 * Preconditions.
 * PostConditions.
public void firstSecond ( argu1, argu2, ... ) {

    // What does the next line do.
    int x = 1 + 2
} // end fooWord()

Class example:

 * Describe the class
 * Tell about any 
 * ...
 * etc
public class myClass {

} // end class myClass
  • Any control statment if, while, for, ... follows this pattern (Multi-comment before it, comment after the end curly brace, comment before any line)

This helps everyone to read and maintain the code even when you're maintaining someone else code