
A repository to contain my submissions in various online judges.

Primary LanguageJava

Problem Solving

A repository to contain my submissions in various online judges.

# Problem Title Solution
1000 Hello World! [Link]
1001 Extremely Basic [Link]
1002 Area of a Circle [Link]
# Problem Title Solution
ATM2 ATM Machine [Link]
BATH Bath in Winters [Link]
BATTERYLOW Battery Low [Link]
BLACKJACK Blackjack [Link]
BOTTOM Guess the bottom face [Link]
BSCOST Binary String Cost [Link]
CHEFBOTTLE Chef and Water Bottles [Link]
CHEFCHOCO Chef and Chocolates [Link]
CHEFPAGES Important Pages on CodeChef [Link]
CHESSDIST Chessboard Distance [Link]
COURSEREG Course Registration [Link]
CREDITS Complete the credits [Link]
CREDSCORE Credit score [Link]
CRICUP Cup Finals [Link]
DIGARR Rearranging digits to get a multiple of 5 [Link]
DISCUS Discus Throw [Link]
ECOCLASS Economics Class [Link]
EMAILREM Email Reminders [Link]
FBC Fill the Bucket [Link]
FINDSHOES Finding Shoes [Link]
FLOW001 Add Two Numbers [Link]
GROUPASSGN Group Assignment [Link]
HARDBET Hardest Problem Bet [Link]
HELIUM3 Chef and NextGen [Link]
INCRIQ Increase IQ [Link]
INSTNOODLE Chef and Instant Noodles [Link]
JASSIGNMENTS Janmansh and Assignments [Link]
JCOINS Janmansh and Coins [Link]
LAZYCHF Lazy Chef [Link]
LUCKFOUR Lucky Four [Link]
MINCOINS Minimum number of coins [Link]
MOVIE2X Watching Movies at 2x [Link]
NIBBLE Good Program [Link]
NONADJFLIP Non Adjacent Flips [Link]
NOTEBOOK Count the Notebooks [Link]
PASSORFAIL Pass or Fail [Link]
QUALIFY Qualify the round [Link]
SALE Get Lowest Free [Link]
SALE2 Buy 2 Get 1 Free [Link]
SELFDEF Self Defence Training [Link]
SHOPCHANGE Shopping Change [Link]
THREETOPICS The Three Topics [Link]
TRAVELFAST Car or Bus [Link]
TYRE Tyre problem [Link]
TYRES Cars and Bikes [Link]
VALENTINE Valentine is Coming [Link]
VOLCONTROL Volume Control [Link]
WORDLE Wordle [Link]
# Problem Title Solution
1A Theatre Square [Link]
4A Watermelon [Link]
71A Way Too Long Words [Link]
231A Team [Link]
# Problem Title Solution
1 Two Sum [Link]
15 3Sum [Link]
18 4Sum [Link]
53 Maximum Subarray [Link]
57 Insert Interval [Link]
64 Minimum Path Sum [Link]
70 Climbing Stairs [Link]
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock [Link]
217 Contains Duplicate [Link]
238 Product of Array Except Self [Link]
435 Non-overlapping Intervals [Link]
494 Target Sum [Link]
647 Palindromic Substrings [Link]
746 Min Cost Climbing Stairs [Link]
813 Largest Sum of Averages [Link]
926 Flip String to Monotone Increasing [Link]
983 Minimum Cost For Tickets [Link]
1043 Partition Array for Maximum Sum [Link]
1395 Count Number of Teams [Link]
1638 Count Substrings That Differ by One Character [Link]
1512 Number of Good Pairs [Link]
1646 Get Maximum in Generated Array [Link]
1653 Minimum Deletions to Make String Balanced [Link]
2063 Vowels of All Substrings [Link]
2413 Smallest Even Multiple [Link]
2418 Sort the People [Link]
2427 Number of Common Factors [Link]
2441 Largest Positive Integer That Exists With Its Negative [Link]
# Problem Title Solution
272 TEX Quotes [Link]
299 Train Swapping [Link]
401 Palindromes [Link]
424 Integer Inquiry [Link]
495 Fibonacci Freeze [Link]
543 Goldbach's Conjecture [Link]
591 Box of Bricks [Link]
686 Goldbach's Conjecture (II) [Link]
713 Adding Reversed Numbers [Link]
748 Exponentiation [Link]
1124 Celebrity jeopardy [Link]
10038 Jolly Jumpers [Link]
10041 Vito's Family [Link]
10055 Hashmat the Brave Warrior [Link]
10106 Product [Link]
10168 Summation of Four Primes [Link]
10235 Simply Emirp [Link]
10324 Zeros and Ones [Link]
10327 Flip Sort [Link]
10394 Twin Primes [Link]
10424 Love Calculator [Link]
10494 If We Were a Child Again [Link]
10699 Count the factors [Link]
10924 Prime Words [Link]
10945 Mother bear [Link]
10948 The primary problem [Link]
11044 Searching for Nessy [Link]
11172 Relational Operator [Link]
11332 Summing Digits [Link]
11364 Parking [Link]
11461 Square Numbers [Link]
11462 Age Sort [Link]
11498 Division of Nlogonia [Link]
11547 Automatic Answer [Link]
11614 Etruscan Warriors Never Play Chess [Link]
11727 Cost Cutting [Link]
11764 Jumping Mario [Link]
11799 Horror Dash [Link]
11879 Multiple of 17 [Link]
11942 Lumberjack Sequencing [Link]
12250 Language Detection [Link]
12289 One-Two-Three [Link]
12372 Packing for Holiday [Link]
12403 Save Setu [Link]
12468 Zapping [Link]
12577 Hajj-e-Akbar [Link]
13012 Identifying tea [Link]
13025 Back to the Past [Link]
13034 Solve Everything :-) [Link]