
ReqRes API Test Automation using Java and REST Assured

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

ReqRes API Test Automation

ReqRes API Test Automation using Java and REST Assured.

Installation Steps

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Clone, i.e, download your copy of the repository to your local machine using
git clone https://github.com/[your_username]/reqres-api-test-automation.git
  1. Import the project in IntelliJ IDEA.
  2. Use IntelliJ IDEA to run your desired tests. Alternatively, you can use the terminal to run the tests, for example ./gradlew test.

Languages and Frameworks

The project uses the following:

Project Architecture

📦 reqres-api-test-automation  
├─ .github  
│  â””─ workflows  
│     â””─ test-execution.yml  
├─ .gitignore  
├─ README.md  
├─ build.gradle  
├─ gradle  
│  â””─ wrapper  
│     â”œâ”€ gradle-wrapper.jar  
│     â””─ gradle-wrapper.properties  
├─ gradlew  
├─ gradlew.bat  
├─ settings.gradle  
└─ src  
   â”œâ”€ main  
   â”‚  â””─ java  
   â”‚     â””─ io  
   â”‚        â””─ github  
   â”‚           â””─ tahanima  
   â”‚              â”œâ”€ client  
   â”‚              â”‚  â”œâ”€ AuthClient.java  
   â”‚              â”‚  â”œâ”€ BaseClient.java  
   â”‚              â”‚  â”œâ”€ ResourceClient.java  
   â”‚              â”‚  â””─ UserClient.java  
   â”‚              â””─ model  
   â”‚                 â”œâ”€ Auth.java  
   â”‚                 â”œâ”€ Error.java  
   â”‚                 â”œâ”€ List.java  
   â”‚                 â”œâ”€ Resource.java  
   â”‚                 â”œâ”€ ResourceData.java  
   â”‚                 â”œâ”€ ResourceList.java  
   â”‚                 â”œâ”€ Support.java  
   â”‚                 â”œâ”€ User.java  
   â”‚                 â”œâ”€ UserData.java  
   â”‚                 â””─ UserList.java  
   â””─ test  
      â”œâ”€ java  
      â”‚  â””─ io  
      â”‚     â””─ github  
      â”‚        â””─ tahanima  
      â”‚           â””─ api  
      â”‚              â”œâ”€ AuthTest.java  
      â”‚              â”œâ”€ ResourceTest.java  
      â”‚              â””─ UserTest.java  
      â””─ resources  
         â””─ junit-platform.properties