
Team project application. Garage Assistant/Manager with local database. Languages: Java+ SQLite + FXML + JRXML

Primary LanguageJava


Team project application. Garage Assistant/Manager with local database. Languages: Java+ SQLite + FXML + JRXML.

A Garage Assistant software that helps keep track of records (of customers, vehicles, jobs, payments, reminders, and parts) and produces reports (of invoices, job requests and stock ledgers).


Required Java Version: 11

Go to the link provided bellow to download the dependencies for this project:


Add the following directories in dependencies section:

  • common-beanutils
  • commons-collections
  • commons-disgester
  • commons-logging

Add the following as libraries:

  • sqlite-jdbc-3.23.1
  • itext-2.1.7.js4
  • jasperreports-6.7.1\src


Once the application is run the first time a database will be created with a default admin user. Admin Username: SYSDBA, Admin Password: Masterkey.

These are 5 roles within this application:

  • Administrator: Deals with user accounts.
  • Franchisee: Has full access to all features of the application.
  • Foreperson: Manages and assigns jobs for mechanics.
  • Mechanic: Completes Jobs and updates status.
  • Receptionist: Deals with customers, produces reports, monitors job progress, stock control, and partially fills in the details for new jobs.


primary role and secondary role, respectively.

  • Tahmid Uddin - Deputy Manager and Programmer
  • Khai Siow - Project Manager and Programmer
  • Cameron Dennis - System Designer and Tester
  • Manar Faid - System Designer and System Analyst
  • Mahat Ahmed - System Analyst and Tester


Our code is under MIT.

The code for the dependencies may differ.