
My roadmap to become a Data Scientist and an Engineer Machine Learning.

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My Data Science Roadmap

Why this?

I want to track the progress of my studies in this broad area. I do not intend to list a huge number of resources or courses, just the ones that I have completed so far and the following ones that are on my mind for a next step (in a short/medium or even long term). Anyway, valuable resources that may be part of my plan in the future.


Name School End Date Certified
✔️ Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Udemy Aug 2017
✔️ Python Kaggle Dec 2018 N/A
◻️ Machine Learning Kaggle
◻️ Pandas Kaggle
◻️ Deep Learning Kaggle
◻️ Data Visualisation Kaggle
◻️ SQL Kaggle
◻️ Time Series with Siraj Kaggle
◻️ R Kaggle
◻️ Embeddings Kaggle
◻️ Machine Learning Explainability Kaggle
◻️ Probabilidade e Estatística Veduca
◻️ Machine Learning e Data Science com Python Udemy
◻️ The Top 5 Machine Learning Libraries in Python Udemy
◻️ Deep Learning Prerequisites: The Numpy Stack in Python Udemy
◻️ Python Fundamentos para Análise de Dados Data Science Academy
◻️ Introdução à Ciência de Dados 2.0 Data Science Academy
◻️ Scraping and Data Mining for Beginners and Pros Udemy
◻️ Learn Educational Data Mining (EDM) Udemy
◻️ Python Hand-on Solve 200 Problems Udemy
◻️ Understanding Data Quality and Reference Data Management Udemy
◻️ Data Warehouse Steps Udemy
◻️ Data Manipulation and PCA (Principal Component Analysis) Udemy
◻️ Introduction to Data Analysis for Government Udemy
◻️ Data Integration with the MarkLogic NoSQL Database Udemy
◻️ Mobile ML and Data Science with nitroproc Udemy
◻️ Learn Data Science With R Part 1 of 10 Udemy


Title Author Publisher Release Date
✔️ Ferramentas Essenciais para Trabalhar com Data Science MinerandoDados.com.br MinerandoDados.com.br -




This document's structure was inspired by the @joaopaulolndev's Data Science Roadmap.