
In it's most simplest form, this module provides a ->CMSEditLink() method via an Extension which can be applied to any DataObject classes you wish. The method returns a CMSEditLink instance which can be converted to a string representing an URL to an editor page where the desired DataObject can be edited.

To add more complexity, you can also create chained links which routes the editor to edit a DataObject via another DataObject, and even via multiple DataObjects.

This module is currently in a development stage. It needs more testing before a stable release. Also some method names may still change. This is not a huge module, so I do think that it's possible to use this production projects - just make sure to test it really well :). Note that it's not currently possible to create editing links for Member objects. This is because Members are managed via SecurityAdmin, which is not a subclass of ModelAdmin. This module currently requires a ModelAdmin for scaffolding links.

Also the documentation is not the best possible at this point.


  • SilverStripe 4.x


composer require taitava/silverstripe-cmseditlink:*

Simple usage

First you need to apply this extension module to all the DataObject classes you want to. This example configuration code will apply it to all DataObject classes. Put this in a new file named app_config\cmseditlink.yml:

    - Taitava\CMSEditLink\DataObjectExtension

Now you can create simple links just like this:

$book = Book::get()->byID(1);
$link = $book->CMSEditLink();

The returned link is not a string, but an instance of CMSEditLink instead. However, it's easy to turn this instance into a simple string formatted url: $link_url = (string) $book->CMSEditLink(); or $link_url = $book->CMSEditLink()->URL();.

Or yet another way to create links:

$book = Book::get()->byID(1);
$link = Taitava\CMSEditLink\CMSEditLink::LinkFor($book);

If you are using the ->CMSEditLink() method, you will need to make sure that you enable the Taitava\CMSEditLink\DataObjectExtension extension to all the DataObjects you want to make the method available to. For example put this in your app/_config/cmseditlink.yml file:

    - Taitava\CMSEditLink\DataObjectExtension

In the other hand, you can use Taitava\CMSEditLink\CMSEditLink::LinkFor($any_data_object) to create links for any DataObjects - even for the ones which do not have the above mentioned extension enabled.

A note about ModelAdmins

The only requirement for DataObjects is that there must be some ModelAdmin class present in your project which defines the DataObject's class name in it's $managed_models configuration array. If no such ModelAdmin exists, you need to either create one yourself or you can use the 'chaining' functionality described above to first get a link for another DataObject class which does have a ModelAdmin available, and then chain the link to the desired target object. This requires an ORM relation between the two DataObject classes (in practise: any relation defined in $has_one, $has_many, $many_many or $belongs_to is suitable).

The module tries to automatically find a ModelAdmin class which is able to manage the desired DataObject. Usually it picks a decent one, but there might be cases where multiple ModelAdmin classes list the DataObject's class in their $managed_models configuration array, in which case the module picks the one that it happens to first come by. If you want, you can override the automatic selection of a ModelAdmin by defining a getModelAdminForCMSEditLink() method in your DataObject sub class:

class Book extends DataObject
        public function getModelAdminForCMSEditLink()
                return BookAdminWhichHandlesBooksWithSoftGloves::class;
                // Or:
                return BookAdminWhichHandlesBooksWithSoftGloves::create();

class BookAdminWhichTearsPagesAndBurnsThemToAshes
        $managed_models = [

class BookAdminWhichHandlesBooksWithSoftGloves extends ModelAdmin
        $managed_models = [

Link chaining and "breadcrumbs"

Links can be chained infinitely to create "breadcrumbs" that lead to the actual editing page. For example, if you have a Book object and you want to provide a CMS editing link which also denotes a Library object, you can create the link like this:

$book = Book::get()->byID(1);
$book->CMSEditLink()->via($book->Library(), 'Books');

Or create the same link in another way:

$library = Library::get()->byID(1);
$library->CMSEditLink()->hereon($library->Books()->first(), 'Books');

Custom actions

By default, all created links will use the CMS action called 'edit'. If you have defined your own, custom actions in the CMS, you can use them in the links just like this:

$book = Book::get()->byID(1);
$link = $book->CMSEditLink()->action('customAction');

Or to make it shorter:

$book = Book::get()->byID(1);
$link = $book->CMSEditLink('customAction');

Customise the link that ->CMSEditLink() is going to return

In addition to altering the link after it's been received from ->CMSEditLink(), you can also perform some default alterations on a DataObject level:

class Book extends DataObject
        private static $has_one = [
                'Library' => Library::class,

        public function ProvideCMSEditLink($action)
                if ($action == 'edit') $action = 'tagAuthors'; // Switch the default 'edit' action to an author tagging action, or whatever.
                $link = CMSEditLink::LinkFor($this,$action);
                $link->via($this->Library(), 'Books'); // Scaffold the link via the book's holder Library
                return $link; // The alterations made in this function ...

class Library extends DataObject
        private static $has_many = [
                'Books' => Book::class,

$book = Book::get()->byID(1);
$link = $book->CMSEditLink(); // ... will be in place here.


See the GitHub issue tracker for any current development plans and bugs. You can create new issues if you have development ideas, bug reports or any implementation/usage related questions.

Pull requests are also welcome!


Jarkko Linnanvirta. License: MIT.

Also thank you PsychoMo for helping me in a related SilverStripe forum topic: https://forum.silverstripe.org/t/modeladmin-how-to-get-a-cms-edit-link-url-for-a-specific-dataobject/1958/5