
The M4L device of a cellular automaton step sequencer. These devices based on the algorithm of cellular automaton or Life Game (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellular_automaton) made with Max for live. You Can Get Here!! https://nineteen95.stores.jp/items/601e6a662438602881a84a26 If you are M4L Developer? You can get githubs. Taito Otani Web https://www.taito-otani.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/taito_otani Instagram https://www.instagram.com/taito_otani/

Primary LanguageJavaScript

"Seq is Life"

This Max for live device is type of MIDI effect device. The device can create midi note by using algorithm that called life game or cell automaton. If there are aliving cells in each steps, then it can make midi note.


On YouTube https://youtu.be/aAlAo-d3uQw

On Twitter https://twitter.com/taito_otani/status/1356594364189794306


  1. Add below files to m4l search path.

    • SeqIsLife.amxd
    • index.html
    • sketch.js
  2. You can put it on the midi track.

  3. After, Insert midi instruments or drum racks.

  4. On Seq is Life Views

    • Mouse Click LEFT :: init cell automaton.
    • Mouse Click Right or Center :: You can create Cell.
  5. Enjoy✌️

NOTE, This Device made with P5M4L project. https://github.com/Taito-Otani/P5M4L

If you like this project, please donete me https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/taitootani

Spacial Thanks ㊗️

Everyone of Signal Compose https://github.com/signalcompose

Taito Otani. http://taito-otani.com/