
This is repository for Deep Reinforcement learning Nanodegree

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This is repository for Deep RL nanodegree in Udacity.

Contents of the sections Textbook by Sutton and Bart

1. Introduction to Deep Reinforcement Learning

Lesson: Temporal-Difference Methods.

Lesson: Solve OpenAI Gym's Taxi-v2 Task

Lesson: RL in Continuous Spaces

  • Discretization
  • Tile Coding
  • Coarse Coding
  • Function Approximation

2. Value-Based Methods

Deep RL

Deep RL for Robotics


Deep Q-networks (DQN)

Some other proposed methods

3. Policy-Based Methods

4. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning


1. Special Topics in Deep Reinforcement Learning

2. Neural Networks in PyTorch

3. Computing Resources

4. C++ Programming