
Python/Matlab implementation of online dynamic mode decomposition (Online DMD) and window dynamic mode decomposition (Window DMD))

Primary LanguageMATLABGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Python/Matlab implementation of online dynamic mode decomposition (Online DMD) and window dynamic mode decomposition (Window DMD)

Online DMD algorithm description

At time step k, define two matrix X(k) = [x(1),x(2),...,x(k)], Y(k) = [y(1),y(2),...,y(k)], that contain all the past snapshot pairs, where x(k), y(k) are the n dimensional state vector, y(k) = f(x(k)) is the image of x(k), f() is the dynamics. Here, if the (discrete-time) dynamics are given by z(k) = f(z(k-1)), then x(k), y(k) should be measurements corresponding to consecutive states z(k-1) and z(k).

An exponential weighting factor rho=sigma^2 (0<rho<=1) that places more weight on recent data can be incorporated into the definition of X(k) and Y(k) such that X(k) = [sigma^(k-1)*x(1),sigma^(k-2)*x(2),…,sigma^(1)*x(k-1),x(k)], Y(k) = [sigma^(k-1)*y(1),sigma^(k-2)*y(2),...,sigma^(1)*y(k-1),y(k)].

At time k+1, the matrices become X(k+1) = [x(1),x(2),…,x(k),x(k+1)], Y(k+1) = [y(1),y(2),…,y(k),y(k+1)]. We need to remember a new snapshot pair x(k+1), y(k+1). We can update the DMD matrix Ak = Yk*pinv(Xk) recursively by efficient rank-1 updating online DMD algorithm.

The time complexity (multiply–add operation for one iteration) is O(n^2), and space complexity is O(n^2), where n is the state dimension.

Window DMD algorithm description

At time step k, define two matrix X(k) = [x(k-w+1),x(k-w+2),...,x(k)], Y(k) = [y(k-w+1),y(k-w+2),...,y(k)] that contain the recent w snapshot pairs from a finite time window, where x(k), y(k) are the n dimensional state vector, y(k) = f(x(k)) is the image of x(k), f() is the dynamics. Here, if the (discrete-time) dynamics are given by z(k) = f(z(k-1)), then x(k), y(k) should be measurements corresponding to consecutive states z(k-1) and z(k).

An exponential weighting factor rho=sigma^2 (0<rho<=1) that places more weight on recent data can be incorporated into the definition of X(k) and Y(k) such that X(k) = [sigma^(w-1)*x(k-w+1),sigma^(w-2)*x(k-w+2),…,sigma^(1)*x(k-1),x(k)], Y(k) = [sigma^(w-1)*y(k-w+1),sigma^(w-2)*y(k-w+2),…,sigma^(1)*y(k-1),y(k)].

At time k+1, the data matrices become X(k+1) = [x(k-w+2),x(k-w+3),…,x(k+1)], Y(k+1) = [y(k-w+2),y(k-w+3),…,y(k+1)]. We need to forget the oldest snapshot pair x(k-w+1),y(k-w+1), and remember the newest snapshot pair x(k+1),y(k+1). We can update the DMD matrix Ak = Yk*pinv(Xk) recursively by efficient rank-2 updating window DMD algroithm.

The time complexity (multiply–add operation for one iteration) is O(n^2), and space complexity is O(wn+2n^2), where n is the state dimension, and w is the window size.


Download online DMD and window DMD implementation from github git clone https://github.com/haozhg/odmd.git


1.OnlineDMD.m implements OnlineDMD class in Matlab.
2.WindomDMD.m implements WindowDMD class in Matlab.
3.online.py implements OnlineDMD class in Python.
4.window.py implements WindowDMD class in Python.


type help OnlineDMD for OnlineDMD class documentation.
type help WindowDMD for WindowDMD class documentation.
type help(online.OnlineDMD) for OnlineDMD class documentation.
type help(window.WindowDMD) for WindowDMD class documentation.


1.online_demo.m demos the use of Matlab OnlineDMD class.
2.window_demo.m demos the use of Matlab WindowDMD class.
3.online_demo.py demos the use of Python OnlineDMD class.
4.window_demo.py demos the use of Python WindowDMD class.


Hao Zhang
Clarence W. Rowley


Hao Zhang, Clarence W. Rowley, Eric A. Deem, and Louis N. Cattafesta, “Online Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Time-varying Systems,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.02876, 2017.

Date created:

April 2017