
A miniature relational database with order in Java

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PeachyDB: a miniature relational database

  • Author: Fang Han

  • 2019.11

  • Database Systems @ NYU Courant


  3. SETUP
    1. compile and run with maven
    2. run with shell script
    1. table naming convention
    2. I/O queries
    3. algebraic queries
    4. aggregate queries
    5. moving aggregate queries
    6. index
    7. utility queries


  • step 0:unzip the .rpz file

  • step 1: put all input data files under input/

  • step 2: put the file containin test queries under input/

  • step 3: open input/input_pipe, change the 2nd line to match the name of the query file above

  • step 4: at root dir, run ./run.sh

  • After the above steps, find outputs under output/


  1. showtables
  2. showschema
  3. quit
  4. inputfromfile
  5. outputtofile
  6. select
  7. project
  8. join
  9. concat
  10. sort
  11. count
  12. sum
  13. avg
  14. countgroup
  15. sumgroup
  16. avggroup
  17. movavg
  18. movsum
  19. hash
  20. btree


compile and run with maven

  • download repo
$ git clone https://github.com/TakaiKinoko/PeachyDB.git
  • compile
$ cd PeachyDB
$ mvn compile 
  • build jar
$ mvn package
  • run interactively
$ java -cp target/peachyDB-1.0.jar Entry
  • exit the database

    type quit when the database is running.

run with shell script

  • ./run.sh at root

  • this will feed all query lines from input/handout to the database and direct stdout to output/fh643_AllOperations


table naming convention

  • has to start with an alphabetic letter

  • syntax using regular expression: ([a-zA-Z]+(.)*)

  • derivative tables:

    • definition: tables that are built 'on top of' another (more than one) existing table

    • to differentiate the derivative table columns from its parent(s), it's column names have the format of <table_name>_<column_name>

    • queries on the derivative tables should make sure that the columns are addressed according to the rule above


read from file

  • syntax: <table_name> := inputfromfile(<filepath>)

  • implementation: under src/io/IO.java

  • note:

    1. a <filepath> must be assigned to a <table_name>

    2. the database at default tries to read files from the /input folder. So <filepath> should be the relative path from /input to the file

    3. reading in a new file will create a new table.

    4. a truncated view of the table will be printed out to StdOut once data has been read in successfully, for example:

      reading from file: input/sales2.txt into table: S...
      | saleid   | I       | C       | S    | T    | Q    | P            |
      | 3506     | 13517   | 16566   | 45   | 73   | 19   | expensive    |
      | 78345    | 10528   | 4745    | 20   | 73   | 23   | supercheap   |
      | 79991    | 6715    | 707     | 75   | 41   | 34   | expensive    |
      | 90466    | 6697    | 8397    | 83   | 92   | 16   | outrageous   |
      | 22332    | 9639    | 2435    | 29   | 17   | 31   | moderate     |
      | 95047    | 11877   | 2020    | 44   | 79   | 29   | supercheap   |
      | 48867    | 12387   | 15274   | 98   | 76   | 35   | supercheap   |
      | 22220    | 10650   | 5746    | 57   | 73   | 24   | outrageous   |
      | 53696    | 9958    | 11849   | 85   | 16   | 9    | supercheap   |
      | 34328    | 11376   | 4042    | 50   | 66   | 44   | supercheap   |
        ...        ...       ...       ...    ...    ...    ...          
      | 62617    | 10689   | 15710   | 3    | 73   | 29   | supercheap   |
      | 74088    | 6099    | 14086   | 37   | 95   | 44   | moderate     |
      | 66449    | 10137   | 2465    | 41   | 73   | 31   | cheap        |
      | 11662    | 9096    | 19072   | 6    | 16   | 21   | supercheap   |
      | 33022    | 6259    | 5746    | 54   | 11   | 44   | supercheap   |
      | 86141    | 10713   | 5746    | 71   | 73   | 4    | outrageous   |
      | 64366    | 8775    | 18198   | 43   | 61   | 49   | supercheap   |
      | 41918    | 10898   | 18816   | 61   | 92   | 18   | moderate     |
      | 43539    | 8229    | 16589   | 14   | 92   | 47   | supercheap   |
      | 2356     | 8909    | 14012   | 32   | 82   | 24   | supercheap   |
      Number of entries: 100000
      Time cost: 0.1450 seconds
  • example: inputfromfile(sales1.txt), where sales1.txt is stored inside /input

write table to file

  • syntax: outputtofile(<table>, <filename>)

  • implementation: under src/io/IO.java

  • note:

    1. the database at default tries to save files to the /output folder.

    2. PrettyPrinter (see /src/util/PrettyPrinter.java) is used to format the output table.

    3. sample pretty-printed result:

      | groupby_pricerange   | avg_qty              |
      | cheap                | 20.546875            |
      | expensive            | 24.954545454545453   |
      | moderate             | 22.384615384615383   |
      | outrageous           | 23.717047451669597   |
      | supercheap           | 26.10126582278481    |
      Number of entries: 5



  • syntax: <target_table> := select(<from_table>, <condition1> [and/or <condition2>])

  • the [and/or <condition2>] part is optional, which means this select operation takes one or two conditions

  • syntax of the condition: (Column | Constant) [+|-|*|/ Constant] (< | <= | > | >= | != |=) (Column | Constant) [+|-|*|/ Constant])

  • within each condition, the [+|-|*|/ Constant] part is optional

  • implemented in src/algebra/Select.java

  • entries selected will be deep copy from the source table

  • if a column within the conditions is indexed upon (by either Hash or BTree), the index will be used to perform selection


  • syntax: <target_table> := project(<from_table>, <col1>, ..., <coln>)

  • implemented in src/algebra/Project.java

  • acturally fulfilled by the function projectTable in src/db/Database.java

  • columns selected will be shallow copy (pointer) of the source table


  • syntax: <target_table> := join(<table1>, <table2>, <condition1> [and/or <condition2>])

  • the [and/or <condition2>] part is optional, which means this join operation takes one or two conditions

  • syntax of the condition: <table_name1>.<column_name1> ([+|-|*|/] <constant1>) [>|<|!=|=|>=|<=] <table_name2>.<column_name2> [+|-|*|/] <constant2>

  • within each condition, the ([+|-|*|/] <constant>) part is optional

  • implemented in src/algebra/Join.java


  • syntax: <target_table> := concat(<table1>, <table2>)

  • implemented in src/algebra/Concat.java

  • acturally fulfilled by the function concatTables in src/db/Database.java


  • syntax: <target_table> := sort(<from_table>, <col1>, ..., <coln>)

  • implemented in src/util/Sort.java



  • syntax: <to_table> := count(<from_table>, <column_name>)

  • implemented in src/aggregation/Aggregate.java


  • syntax: <to_table> := sum(<from_table>, <column_name>)

  • implemented in src/aggregation/Aggregate.java


  • syntax: <to_table> := avg(<from_table>, <column_name>)

  • implemented in src/aggregation/Aggregate.java


  • count the number of entries of a column from a table grouped on an ordered list of columns serving as grouping conditions

  • syntax: <to_table> := countgroup(<from_table>, <column_name>, <groupby_col1>, ..., <groupby_coln>)

  • implemented in src/aggregation/GroupAgg.java

  • based on internal method groupby implemented in src/aggregation/GroupAgg.java


  • compute the sum of a column from a table grouped on an ordered list of columns serving as grouping conditions

  • syntax: <to_table> := sumgroup(<from_table>, <column_name>, <groupby_col1>, ..., <groupby_coln>)

  • implemented in src/aggregation/GroupAgg.java

  • based on internal method groupby implemented in src/aggregation/GroupAgg.java


  • compute the average of a column from a table grouped on an ordered list of columns serving as grouping conditions

  • syntax: <to_table> := avggroup(<from_table>, <column_name>, <groupby_col1>, ..., <groupby_coln>)

  • implemented in src/aggregation/GroupAgg.java

  • based on internal method groupby implemented in src/aggregation/GroupAgg.java

moving aggregates

moving average

  • syntax: <toTable> := movavg(<fromTable>, <col>, <window_len>)

  • implemented in src/aggregation/Moving.java

  • fulfilled by private internal method apply within src/aggregation/Moving.java

moving sum

  • syntax: <toTable> := movsum(<fromTable>, <col>, <window_len>)

  • implemented in src/aggregation/Moving.java

  • fulfilled by private internal method apply within src/aggregation/Moving.java



  • syntax: Hash(<table>, <column>)

  • implemented in src/index/Hash.java through Java's native HashMap class


  • syntax: Btree(<table>, <column>)

  • implemented in src/index/Btree.java

  • Btree implementation: src/btree



  • syntax: quit or Quit

  • implemented in src/io/QueryParser.java

show tables

  • syntax: showtables()

  • implemented in src/db/Database.java

  • sample output:

    | Table     | Size     |
    | R2        | 900      |
    | R         | 1000     |
    | S         | 100000   |
    | T         | 3642     |
    | T2prime   | 391      |
    | T1        | 391      |
    | T2        | 391      |
    | R1        | 900      |
    | T3        | 391      |

show schemas

  • syntax: showschema()

  • implemented in src/db/Database.java

  • sample output:

    | Table   | Schema                                                                |
    | R       | saleid | itemid | customerid | storeid | time | qty | pricerange |    |
    | S       | saleid | I | C | S | T | Q | P |                                      |



  • implemented in src/util/PrettyPrinter.java


  • line counts using: $ find . -name '*.java' | xargs wc -l
     232 ./src/main/java/aggregation/GroupAgg.java
     151 ./src/main/java/aggregation/Moving.java
      85 ./src/main/java/aggregation/Aggregate.java
      61 ./src/main/java/util/Sort.java
     218 ./src/main/java/util/PrettyPrinter.java
     102 ./src/main/java/util/GroupKey.java
     159 ./src/main/java/util/Cond.java
     142 ./src/main/java/util/Utils.java
      35 ./src/main/java/util/SortGroupKeyMap.java
     185 ./src/main/java/io/IO.java
     218 ./src/main/java/io/QueryParser.java
     186 ./src/main/java/parser/Parser.java
      18 ./src/main/java/btree/BTKeyValue.java
    1019 ./src/main/java/btree/BTree.java
      11 ./src/main/java/btree/BTIteratorIF.java
      26 ./src/main/java/btree/BTException.java
      61 ./src/main/java/btree/BTNode.java
      42 ./src/main/java/btree/SimpleFileWriter.java
      58 ./src/main/java/db/DynamicTable.java
     187 ./src/main/java/db/Table.java
     380 ./src/main/java/db/Database.java
      39 ./src/main/java/index/BTTestIteratorImpl.java
      84 ./src/main/java/index/Btree.java
      65 ./src/main/java/index/Hash.java
      65 ./src/main/java/index/BtreeKey.java
      71 ./src/main/java/Entry.java
     354 ./src/main/java/algebra/Join.java
     587 ./src/main/java/algebra/Select.java
      55 ./src/main/java/algebra/Project.java
      34 ./src/main/java/algebra/Concat.java
    4930 total