
Extract keywords from large number of tweets on HPC

Primary LanguageJava

Important note

Data file sentiment140.csv isn't included in the hw2_sentiment project due to the limit of size I was able to get uploaded on NYUclasses

File preparation for Prince

How to run on Prince

  • log onto Prince

    • $ ssh hpcgwtunnel
    • $ ssh -Y prince
  • request an interactive shell $ srun --mem=5GB --time=00:15:00 --cpus-per-task 1 --pty $SHELL

  • upload batch job

    • $cd hw2_sentiment
    • $sbatch run.sh
  • monitor job squeue -u $USER

HPC setup

Stored in ./HPCsetup.png

Data exploration

  • Top 20 most frequent @-mentions stored in ./output/top@.txt
  • Top 20 most frequent hashtags stored in ./output/topHashtags.txt

Keyword extraction

  • textrank project separate from the main one above
  • run.sh is already included in folder "textrank".
  • Java module is specified to be reloaded in run.sh file as a response to Prince's persistence complaint on the wrong "JAVA_HOME" and not being able to locate java sdk.
  • To run the project on a local machine, use the following command: ant -Ddata.file=test/<FROMFILE> run > <TOFILE> where
    • is amongst {text.txt, text0_tweet.txt, text4_tweet.txt} which are respectively the full tweet data, ['0']group tweet, and ['4']group tweet
    • is the name of the output file
  • When textrank project is transferred to HPC, just change the and in run.sh, then sbatch run.sh, you're ready to go