
I discovered a lovely personal website made by @bchiang7. Now onward to make my own!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Fang's Personal Website

Installation & Set Up

  1. Install the Gatsby CLI

    npm install -g gatsby-cli
  2. Install and use the correct version of Node using NVM

    nvm install
  3. Install dependencies

  4. Start the development server

    npm start

Building and Running for Production

  1. Generate a full static production build

    npm run build
  2. Preview the site as it will appear once deployed

    npm run serve

Color Reference

Color Hex
Navy #0a192f #0a192f
Light Navy #172a45 #172a45
Dark Grey #333f58 #333f58
Slate #8892b0 #8892b0
Light Slate #a8b2d1 #a8b2d1
Lightest Slate #ccd6f6 #ccd6f6
White #e6f1ff #e6f1ff
Green #64ffda #64ffda

Credit to:
