Package manager for Azure Functions.
When I want to share the Azure Function code, it usualy require to set up other resources, like CosmosDB, Storage Account, EventHubs and so on. This project is inspired by helm which is the popular package manager for kubernetes. I'd like to do the same thing for Azure Functions.
NOTE: This repo is under construction. Now I'm start working it.
I'd like to install everything in just one command.
These command install / Setup Lightning Strikes.
strikes init
strikes install stable/drabeState
These command install / Setup Lightning Strikes. Then install stable/durableState
package which includes Azure Functions, Storage Account, Function App, and CosmosDB with all configured.
Also, you can host your own package
strikes package --name powerplant
strikes push --name powerplant
It will be package your code into new package called powerplant
then push into the repository. Now everyone can get the environment like this.
strikes install stable/powerplant
You can also search packages for Azure Functions.
strikes package --list
stable/sendgrid 1.2.0
stable/migrator 2.1.0
This is experimental. The command/subcommand might be changed in the future.