
Color scheme inspired by the art of Rubens LP

Paraíso for IntelliJ IDEA

A color scheme inspired by the colorful illustrations by Brazilian artist Rubens LP.


Generic screenshot of the Paraíso themes

This theme is also available for Atom, BBEdit, CodeMirror, Eclipse, Geany, Gedit, Google Code Prettify, highlight.js, iTerm2, Mou, Notepad++, Prism.js, Pygments, Rainbow, Sublime Text, Xcode and more!


Mac OS X

  1. Download a .icls file of your choice
  2. Copy the file to ~/Library/Preferences/IdeaIC13/colors *
  3. Select theme in Preferences > Editor > Colors & Fonts


  1. Download a .icls file of your choice
  2. Copy the file to %APPDATA%\.IdeaIC13\config\colors *
  3. Select theme in Preferences > Editor > Colors & Fonts

* directory might vary, IntelliJ IDEA 13 CE in this example


This work by Jan T. Sott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License.


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