ShopLine Project

ShopLine (Online Shopping) which aims to expose a digital services via web and mobile application for any project E-commerce. Flexible, extensible and secure, this architecture can be the perfect solution for start your commerce project.
The Shopline system will allow our websites visitors and mobile applications (Android/iOS) to browse for products, add to cart products, and place orders. The code source contains these principals modules: user managment, product managment, category managment and payment online
We can also, add another multiples modules (Like : Chat real time, Notification, Google Map/Analytics, ELK(ElastciSearch, Logstash, Kibana))

Full code source, please send me an email:

My Youtub channel:

1) jHipster (Backend, BackOffice)

- Backend

- Features

  • User Management REST API (Register, Login, Account, Forgot password, Activate account,Get user by id ...)
  • Product Management REST API (Create new Product, Delete product by id, Get details product, Get all products, ...)
  • Category Management REST API (Create new Category, Delete category by id, Get details category, Get all categories, ...)
  • Payment Management REST API
  • Notification (Send PushNotificatin for real time)

- Technologies

  • Java v8
  • jHipster v6.10.5
  • SGBD: PostreSQL 13
  • Spring Boot v2.4.7
  • Maven: v3.3.9
  • Hibernate: v5.4.15

- BackOffice

- Features

Support Multiple Language: English, Frensh && Arabic

  • User Management UI (List, Details user, Add, Delete user)
  • Product Managment UI (List, Details product, Addd, Delete product)
  • Category Managment UI (List, Details category, Add, Delete category)
  • Role Users
  • Log Managment UI

- Technologies - Nodejs : v12.16.1

  • Npm: v6.14.5
  • Angular: 11
  • Fontawesome: v5
  • Bootstrap: v4

2) Mobile Ionic (Android, iOS)

- Features

  • User module (Register, login, account, update informations, update password, ...)
  • Product module (List my products, Add new product, Edit my product, delete product, detail product)
  • Category module (List all category with pagination)
  • Public module (Contact-us, Settings, About, Home, ...)
  • Mock module (Youn can try to login with static data)

- Technologies

  • Ionic : v5
  • Angular: 11
  • NgRx: v11
  • Cordova: v10
  • Android Studio
  • Xcode
  • Fontawesome: v5

3) Dockerizing Application

  • ./mvnw -Pprod verify jib:dockerBuild
  • docker-compose -f src/main/docker/app.yml up -d

4) Demo

Demo Mobile App for ShopLine project:


Demo for Backend and Backoffice for ShopLine project:


5) Author

Taki Eddine Rahal
Software Engineer

Mobile: +21624158860
Skype: takieddinerahal
Twitter: TakiRahal
My Youtub channel: