SrfGroup BE

Deploying Spring Boot Applications to Heroku

Just push on master branch: Connected with github

Connect to database

heroku pg:psql postgresql-cylindrical-43676 --app srf-group-back

Reset DataBase

Deploy jar app heroku

run : mvn clean install -Pprod -DskipTests

run : heroku deploy:jar target/srfgroup-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --app srf-group-be

run: heroku open --app srf-group-be

heroku buildpacks:clear --app srf-group-be

log Heroku: heroku logs --app srf-group-back -t

Custom command

change cmd: heroku config:set MAVEN_CUSTOM_GOALS="clean install -Pprod -DskipTests" --app srf-group-be

ELK + Spring Boot

  1. Run Spring boot (add

  2. Run Elasticsearch

  3. Run Kibana

    • Version: kibana-7.1.0
    • Under folder bin command: kibana.bat
    • Show data in Kibana:
      • Go to Management → Kibana Index Patterns → Create index Pattern
      • Enter “logstash-*” as the index pattern
      • Time filter : @timestamp
      • Go to the Discover tab in Kibana
      • Select logstash-* (Dropdown)
  4. Run Logstash:

    • Version: logstash-7.6.1
    • Add file config: logstash-7.6.1\bin\logstash.conf
    • Under folder bin command: ./logstash -f logstash.conf


mvn clean install -DskipTests sonar:sonar

mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar.login=admin -Dsonar.password=sonar

Modify Dockerfile

- Run: docker images
- docker rmi id_image_springboot-docker-compose-app
- Rebuild image: 
    - cd docker
    - docker build -t springboot-docker-compose-app:1 .

api.yml: Docker all parts Back: Spring boot + ELK

Run: mvn clean install -Pprod -DskipTests run in the root project: - Start: docker-compose -f docker/full-app.yml up - Down: docker-compose -f docker/full-app.yml down -v --remove-orphans

api-without-jar: Docker all parts without jar: Spring boot + ELK

Run: mvn clean install -Pprod -DskipTests run in the root project: - Start: docker-compose -f docker/api-without-jar.yml up - Down: docker-compose -f docker/api-without-jar.yml down -v --remove-orphans

Build image

$ docker build -t build-srf-group .

Run image

$ docker run build-srf-group

Probleme of permission

  • run windos: services.msc
  • check service pg and click stop

Redis CLI

  • docker exec -it container_id_redis redis-cli
  • Fetch data: keys *



Search global on website (with elastic and index)

Just Run

$ just run

Zipkin Server

run server Zipkin
enable zipkin from
get url with Rest template (metrics)