
CRAB allows end-users to shape downlink traffic from the devices in the end-user's domain (computers, home routers) even if the bottleneck does not naturally occur within the end-user's domain.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

CRAB allows end-users to shape downlink traffic from devices in end-user's domain (computers, home routers) even if the bottleneck does not naturally occur within end-user's domain.

See our paper at:

Using CRAB

Install some basic libraries listed in requirements.txt:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Install the chrome extension in chrome_extension directory, following instructions here

Populate the config.py with flow groups. There are three types of flows defined in CRAB as of now:

  • ip>>: Source IP address (Remote server's IP)
  • gc>>: Web domain name (e.g. facebook.com). This is only supported for Google Chrome as of now.
  • app>>: Application name (e.g. chrome)

Run: sudo python3 onboot.py Run: sudo python3 crab.py

Run Experiments

exps/ directory includes all the files to setup and run different experiments with CRAB and some other baselines. For this you will need a router that can run OpenWRT. All the experiments in paper are with Linksys WRT3200ACM router running OpenWRT. For experiments in exps/robustness, another device running Linux is needed. Details for each individual experiments are in the corresponding subdirectory.

Data and Plots

To reproduce plots from the paper, run respective figure's python file in plots directory.