
Discover true leadership's power in software development! Learn Marine Corps traits that inspire collaboration, innovation, and accountability. Elevate your teams with actionable strategies. From boss to leader – unlock your potential!

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Leading with Strength: Applying Marine Corps Leadership Traits to Software Development Teams

Leading with Strength: Applying Marine Corps Leadership Traits to Software Development Teams

Renamed from How to be a Leader


What is leadership? That term gets thrown around a lot, but what is it really? What do leaders do that makes them leaders? Leadership can be learned and that is good as leaders are in high demand and in short supply.

The parallels between military leadership and leading software development teams are striking, emphasizing the importance of traits such as integrity, decisiveness, and dependability. This conference session aims to bridge the gap between these seemingly disparate worlds by introducing attendees to the 14 Marine Corps Leadership Traits and demonstrating their practical application in software development leadership.

The session will provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental distinctions between a boss or manager and a true leader. Attendees will learn that leadership is not just about authority, but about inspiring, guiding, and empowering team members to achieve their fullest potential. Through real-world examples and interactive exercises, participants will gain actionable insights into fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and accountability within their software development teams.

By merging the values and practices of the United States Marine Corps with the nuances of software development leadership, this session equips attendees with a unique toolkit to lead their teams with confidence and purpose. Whether you are a seasoned leader or embarking on your leadership journey, this session promises to inspire and empower you to lead your software development teams to new heights of success.

Elevator Pitch

Discover true leadership's power in software development! Learn Marine Corps traits that inspire collaboration, innovation, and accountability. Elevate your teams with actionable strategies. From boss to leader – unlock your potential.

Key Takeaways

  • Familiarity with the 14 Marine Corps Leadership Traits and their applicability to software development leadership.
  • Clear understanding of the differences between a boss/manager and a leader in the context of software development.
  • Practical strategies for fostering a culture of integrity, decisiveness, and dependability within teams.
  • Techniques for inspiring and motivating team members to exceed expectations and deliver outstanding results.
  • Insights into developing the courage and knowledge necessary to navigate challenges and seize opportunities.


45/60/75-minute session


  • Leadership
  • Professional Growth
  • Soft Skills


Event Location Date Time Room Downloads
JavaScript & Friends Columbus, OH August 25, 2023 8:15 am EDT Morgan 3 Slides
Tulsa .NET User Group Tulsa, OK (Online) April 8, 2021 6:15 pm CDT N/A Unavailable
Music City Tech 2019 Nashville, TN September 6, 2019 1:50 pm CDT 186 Slides
Nebraska.Code() 2019 Lincoln, NE August 15, 2019 10:00 am CDT Ardis Slides
DevSpace 2018 Huntsville, AL October 13, 2018 4:00 pm CDT Ballroom 4 N/A
CodeStock 2018 Knoxville, TN April 20, 2018 Slides