
A GPT-powered conversational agent with an inner monologue, demonstrating artificial consciousness

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A conversational agent with an inner monologue, using OpenAI's Large Language Model (LLM). This experiment gives the illusion of artificial consciousness, and raises questions about the nature of consciousness. Lean More

In the following example, Molly's thoughts are in yellow, and her replies are in brown.


Test it online on StackBlitz: https://stackblitz.com/github/marmelab/molly/tree/main (you will need an OpenAI API Key).


Molly is a Single-Page-Application that runs in the browser. It requires no server, but calls the OpenAI completion API. This means that you need an OpenAI API key to use Molly.

If you want to run it locally, you just need Node.js.




yarn start

Then browse to http://localhost:3000.