
Job queue with MongoDB with emphasis on never losing any task even if worker fails hard (segfault).

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


Job queue with MongoDB with emphasis on never losing any task even if worker fails hard (segfault).


  • Ruby >= 1.9.2
  • gem "mongo", "~> 1.3.1"
  • gem "posix-spawn", "~> 0.3.6"


  • Give Cyclop access to mongo:

      Cyclop.db = Mongo::Connection.new["database_name"]

    or with Replica-Sets

      Cyclop.db = Mongo::ReplSetConnection.new["database_name"]

    or if you're using MongoMapper:

      Cyclop.db = MongoMapper.database

    or if you're using Mongoid:

      Cyclop.db = Mongoid.database
  • Queue a new task:

        queue: :upload,
        job_params: {
          url: "http://example.com",
  • Queue a new task to process in 5 minutes, to retry 3 times in case of error with a 1 minute delay between each:

        queue: :convert,
        job_params: {
          tmp_file: "/tmp/uploaded_file_32.png",
        delay: 300,
        retries: 3,
        splay: 60,
  • Get next job:

  • Get next job on specific queues:

      Cyclop.next :upload, :convert
  • Get next job on specific queues for a specific host:

      Cyclop.next :upload, :convert, host: "tartarus.local"
  • Get failed jobs (limit to 30):

      Cyclop.failed limit: 30
  • Get failed jobs (skip first 10, limit to 30):

      Cyclop.failed skip: 10, limit: 30
  • Requeue a failed job:

      job = Cyclop.failed.first
  • Start a worker:

      cyclop -c config.yml
  • To get help about the format for config.yml

      cyclop -h

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cyclop is Copyright © 2011 TalentBox SA. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.