Querying Pending Transactions using Chainstack & web3.js

Pending transactions stay inside Ethereum's mempool. To access these transactions, a Chainstack node and web3.js can be used. This repository contains the code and instructions to retrieve pending transactions.


  • Install NodeJS on your system
  • A text editor
  • Command-line interface (CLI)


Once all the pre-requisites are met, clone the repository on your computer. The node_modules and project files will be downloaded to your computer.


  • Open the repository in a text editor.
  • Inside the index.js file, take a look at the second line of code: var url = "ADD_YOUR_ETHEREUM_NODE_WSS_URL";
  • Replace ADD_YOUR_ETHEREUM_NODE_WSS_URL with your WSS URL for the Ethereum node.
  • Save changes and then open CLI in the project directory.
  • Type node index in the CLI and hit enter.
  • The code will execute, and a stream of pending transactions will appear on the CLI as shown below:
