
Doom64EX is a reverse-engineering project aimed to recreate Doom64 as close as possible with additional modding features.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Doom 64 EX CMake

This is a modified/improved version of Doom 64 EX, with compatibility for the Doom 64 Steam rerelease. It is for:

  • Linux gamers who prefer native executables over using WINE/Proton
  • People who don't want to resort to piracy to obtain a copy of Doom 64
  • People who would rather play their legally purchased copy of Doom 64 from Steam on Doom 64 EX
  • People who miss freelook in the Doom 64 Steam rerelease
  • People who want to play PWADs made for Doom 64 EX

What's new

  • Fixes for bugs pointed out by Address Sanitizer
  • Fix for loading saved games
  • Screenshot filename/overwrite fix, so your screenshots are preserved between game sessions
  • The Cyberdemon fires his third rocket at an intercept trajectory (this was a feature of Doom 64 OG)
  • A new sound system based on SDL_Mixer
  • Support for the Doom 64 rerelease


You can download GNU/Linux binary build artifacts by clicking on the checkmark next to a commit, and viewing the build for Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04. If you are logged in, you will be able to see and download "artifacts" from the build process.

At the moment, there are no binary builds for Windows. You can find older versions here. However, these are not compatible with the Doom 64 rerelease.


It's possible to compile Doom 64 EX yourself. Officially, only Linux is supported. Unfortunately, since the recent addition of SDL_mixer, I've been having a lot of trouble with the Windows build. Patches for alternative operating systems are gladly accepted, however.


Ubuntu 14.04 Fedora 24 Arch Linux / MSYS2* on Windows Homebrew on macOS
C++14 compiler g++-6 gcc gcc Xcode
CMake cmake cmake cmake cmake
SDL2 libsdl2-dev SDL2-devel sdl2 sdl2
SDL2_net libsdl2-net-dev SDL2_net-devel sdl2_net sdl2_net
zlib zlib1g-dev zlib-devel zlib zlib
SDL2_mixer libsdl2-mixer-dev SDL2_mixer-devel sdl2_mixer sdl2_mixer

* MSYS2 uses a naming convention similar to the one utilised by Arch, except packages are prefixed with mingw-w64-i686- and mingw-w64-x86_64- for 32-bit and 64-bit packages, respectively.

Compiling on Linux

All of these steps are done using the terminal.

Prepare the Dependencies

On Ubuntu:

$ # Install GCC
$ sudo apt install build-essential gcc-6 g++-6

$ # Install dependencies
$ sudo apt install git cmake libsdl2-dev libsdl2-net-dev zlib1g-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev

On Fedora:

$ # Install development group
$ sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools and Libraries"

$ # Install dependencies
$ sudo dnf install git cmake sdl2-devel sdl2_net-devel zlib-devel SDL2_mixer-devel

On Arch Linux:

$ # Install dependencies
$ sudo pacman -S git gcc cmake sdl2 sdl2_net zlib sdl2_mixer

Clone and Build

Find a suitable place to build the program and navigate there using cd.

$ # Clone this repository (if you haven't done so already)
$ git clone https://github.com/svkaiser/Doom64EX --recursive
$ cd Doom64EX

$ # If you have previously cloned the repository, you'll need to also grab the fluidsynth-lite submodule
$ git submodule update --init --recursive

$ mkdir build       # Create a build directory within the git repo
$ cd build          # Change into the new directory
$ cmake ..          # Generate Makefiles
$ make              # Build everything
$ sudo make install # Install Doom64EX to /usr/local

You can now launch Doom64EX from the menu or using doom64ex from terminal.

NOTICE Ubuntu ships with a severely outdated version of CMake, so you'll need to create the doom64ex.pk3 file manually.

Compiling on Windows

Download and install CMAKE. Follow the instructions on the website and make sure to update the system. Clone the repository in a suitable place to build the program.

Next, download the Win32 Dependencies. Extract the archive into the extern directory, and generate the .lib and .dll files. Place these in extern\lib and extern\bin, respectively.

Next, generate the MSVC project files.

$ mkdir build                           # Create a build directory within the git repo
$ cd build                              # Change into the new directory
$ cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017"   # Generate MSVC 2017 files

Visual Studio 2017 project files will now be sitting in the build directory.

Compiling on macOS

Install Xcode for its developer tools. Follow the instructions to install Homebrew. You can probably use other package managers, but Doom64EX has only been tested with Homebrew.

Open Terminal.app (or a terminal replacement).

$ # Install dependencies
$ brew install git cmake sdl2 sdl2_net sdl2_mixer zlib

Find a suitable place to build the program and navigate there using terminal.

$ # Clone this repository (if you haven't done so already)
$ git clone https://github.com/svkaiser/Doom64EX --recursive

$ # If you have previously cloned the repository, you'll need to also grab the fluidsynth-lite submodule
$ git submodule update --init --recursive

$ mkdir build       # Create a build directory within the git repo
$ cd build          # Change into the new directory
$ cmake ..          # Generate Makefiles
$ make              # Build everything
$ sudo make install # Install Doom64EX.app

You will now find Doom64EX in your Applications directory.

Creating doom64ex.pk3

If for some reason CMake refuses to automatically generate the required doom64ex.pk3, you can easily create it yourself.

Data Files

Doom 64 EX can generate an sf2 soundfont and IWAD from a Doom 64 ROM, or it can use the Doom 64 IWAD from the Doom 64 Steam rerelease.

If you have a Doom 64 ROM, you can run:

$ ./doom64ex -wadgen PATH_TO_ROM

This will generate an IWAD (doom64.wad), and a soundfont (doomsnd.sf2). You will also need doom64ex.pk3 in the working directory.

To use the IWAD from the Doom 64 Steam rerelease, run Doom 64 EX as such:

$ ./doom64ex -iwad DOOM64.WAD

If you don't hear any music or background sound, open the console, set "s_soundfont" to DOOMSND.DLS, and restart the game. This will only work if you have fluidsynth 2.0 or greater, and libinstpatch installed.

On Linux and BSDs

  • Current directory
  • The directory in which the doom64ex executable resides
  • $XDG_DATA_HOME/doom64ex (usually ~/.local/share/doom64ex)
  • /usr/local/share/games/doom64ex
  • /usr/local/share/doom64ex
  • /usr/local/share/doom
  • /usr/share/games/doom64ex
  • /usr/share/doom64ex
  • /usr/share/doom
  • /opt/doom64ex

On Windows

  • Current directory
  • The directory in which the doom64ex executable resides

On macOS

  • Current directory
  • ~/Library/Application Support/doom64ex


Official Blog



You can join the official IRC channel #doom64ex on irc.oftc.net (OFTC).