
A core library for use in PixelPowered games

Primary LanguageYacc

PixelPowered Devkit - Expanding GameMakerStudio

Version 0.2.0 - _utility Edition


Datatype Functions

DataStructure Functions

Other Functions

[Core]: _utility Library


A set of very useful functions for getting exactly what you need from arrays with ease

Function Name Description
_validateArray Allows you to clamp a 1D array inbetween a range of lengths, provides options for how to decide extended values
_arrayValue Returns a value from the given 1D array, provides options for if the array isn't long enough, such as looping through the array
Returns the specific row or column from a 2D array as a 1D array
Converts between a string list (of format "X
Converts between a string list (of format "X1,X2
Draw the values of a 1D array as strings
_arrayDrawGrid Draw the values of a 2D array as strings
_arrayContains Check if a value exists in a 1D/2D array (does not return it's location)
Compare values in two 1D/2D arrays
_arrayAppend Attach a value or 1D array to the end of another value or 1D array to return a single 1D array


Simple boolean operations

Function Name Description
_toggle Swaps between True and False
_booleanString Converts a boolean into a string that says "True" or "False" or optionally, custom values


Extra operations for dealing with integers or reals

Function Name Description
_upto Increases a number, upto a cap. Includes options for what happens when the number exceeds the cap
_numberAsHex [Experimental] Converts a number into a Hex string
Returns the smallest/largest value from a 1D Array of numbers


Expanding your options with strings

Function Name Description
_stringClip Reduces the length of the string to the requested length, adding an optional marker if it changed in size
Alternatives to string_get_height() / string_get_width() Allows you to check the height or width of a string with a specific font
_stringPosFromArray Finds the position of the first substring in an array when given an array of substrings, and returns an array of useful information about the winning substring


Extra options for working with DSMap data structures.

Function Name Description
_dsMapCreate Create a new DSMap and add whatever values you want to it
_dsMapValue Retrieve the value from a DSMap, with the option of a defined default value if it doesn't exist in the DSMap
_dsMapAddValues Add or change a list of values within a DSMap
_drawDSMap Draws the values of a DSMap as strings, with lots of options

align | font

These functions, working with the _globalController object, add global tracking to text aligment and font that GMS2 doesn't offer easy access to. This then enables additional functions that play around with them. Align functions use the standard GMS2 alignment definitions of fa_left|fa_top, fa_center|fa_middle, fa_right|fa_bottom.
A lot of my functions ask for an align_array, this takes the format of [h_align, v_align, x_offset (optional), y_offset (optional)]

Function Name Description
_setAlign Replacement for draw_set_halign() / draw_set_valign() Sets the alignment and updates the alignment global tracking
_storeAlign Returns an alignment array containing either the provided values, or the global values if nothing was provided
_setFont Replacement for draw_set_font() Sets the font and updates the font global tracking
_setFontStyle Allows you to change a font style on the fly !Edit this function to add your own fonts!
_baseFont Returns the font family of the font !Edit this function to add your own fonts!


Beats are a special array format that lets you increase a value at a steady rate (at the increment and frequency) you choose. You can make them loop or fluctuate and they're easily customisable on the fly without being a hassle to use.
General useage is simply to use MyBeat = _beatArray(0, 10, 1) in the creation of the object and MyBeat = _beat(MyBeat) in the step event then access MyBeat[aBeat.value] to get the value at any time.
Beat arrays use the format: [eBeat.value, eBeat.min, eBeat.max, eBeat.increment, eBeat.rate] and can be indexed with the aBeat enum.

Function Name Description
_beat Increment a beat
_beatArray Creates a new beat array to be used with _beat

instance | objv

Ease of referencing variables in object instances

Function Name Description
_destroy Alternative to destroy_instance()
_objv Retrieve the value of a variable from an object instance, with the option to define the default value should it not exist
_objvExists Check if a variable exists in an object instance
Force limit a single instance of an object


Regions are a special array format that defines a rectangle. These functions use this predefined format in creative ways to make regions a highly useful time saver. Regions use the format: [aRegion.x1, aRegion.y1, aRegion.x2, aRegion.y2, aRegion.w, aRegion.h] and can be indexed with the aR or aRegion enums.

Function Name Description
_validateRegion Makes sure the array given is a complete region, generally by calculating missing values
_regionBySize Returns a region when given an x, y, width and height
_alignRegion Moves a region based on alignment, an x,y anchor, or both
_alterRegion Resize, move and/or pivot a region
_alterRegionByDirection Resize, move and/or pivot a region if given a direction (LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN)
_positionInRegion Return the x,y of a position relative to a region given an alignment and offset
_mouseInRegion Checks if the mouse is in a region, can use the gui mouse position
Finds which region the mouse is in when given an array of regions

There are also a number of functions that can quickly create a region from a resource or element.

Function Name Description
_textRegion Returns the region text would fill if it was drawn at x,y (accounts for alignment)
_spriteRegion Returns the region a sprite would fill if it was drawn at x,y (accounts for the sprite's origin point)
_roomRegion Returns the region the currently active room occupies
_viewRegion Returns the region of a view (defaulting to view_current)
_cameraRegion Returns the region of a camera (defaulting to view_camera[view_current)]
_displayRegion Returns the region of the display
_windowRegion Returns the region the window occupies on the screen
_surfaceRegion Returns the region of a surface (defaulting to the application_surface)


Extra functions that don't fit a category

Function Name Description
_validate Convert a input into the correct datatype
_useGUIMouse A quick check to see if an event is occuring during the GUI draw step and should use the GUI mouse tracking functions