- Intall PostgresSQL or run a PostgresSQL container on your local machine
- Create a database named test with username=postgres & password=admin (you can change this in application.properties and set whatever you want)
- Create a table named users
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users; CREATE TABLE users ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(64), password VARCHAR(512) );
- Use the user (username & password) juste created before to login (by using the /login endpoint ) and obtain a JWT as response
- Use that JWT as Bearer Token to hit other secure endpoints
- Students
- GET /students
- POST /students
- DELETE /student/{id}
- Users
- GET /users
- POST /register
- POST /login
- Students
- You can also Basic Auth with username & password to hit other secured endpoints
- You can also and add other users by using Post /register endpoint and use them to test other endpoints.