
Project structure

The project folder structure is as follows:

├── .cmake                  # Helper files for the cmake build system
├── external                # Folder contains external libraries
├── lib                     # Static linked libraries used by the project and integration tests
│   └── exampleLib          # Specific library
│       ├── include         # Contains the public interface / headers of the library
│       ├── src             # Contains the private header and source files
│       └── test            # Contains unit tests and mocks for the library classes
├── projects                # Projects folder
│   ├── firmware            # Project for the firmware. Will be linked against the needed libraries in lib
│   |   └── src             # Contains amongst others the main.cpp file for the firmware
│   └── integrationtests    # Projects for integration tests
│       └── src             # Contains amongst others the main.cpp file for the integration test
├── scripts                 # Tools and utilities
└── README.md


By script

The build.sh script should be used for building the software.

$ bash build.sh          # build all
$ bash build.sh -c       # clean build
$ bash build.sh -x       # build build all for ARM (cross-compiling)
$ bash build.sh -a       # build app for x86 (native build)
$ bash build.sh -i -x    # build integration tests lib for ARM (cross-compiling)

The full range of build commands can be displayed with the help option:

$ bash build.sh -h

By vs code buttons

The project can be built by the options in the blue menu bar on the bottom of vs code.

  1. Choose the cmake-kit. Valid options:
    • x86_64-linux-gcc-toolchain
    • arm-phytec-linux-gnueabi-gcc-toolchain
  2. Choose build type. Valid options:
    • Debug
    • Release
  3. (Optional) Choose the target to build: default=[all]
  4. Start build with hitting the build button

By Qt Creator

  1. Setup the build kits for the Qt Creator:
    • Execute: ./.qtcreator/setup-qtcreator-kits.sh
  2. Start Qt Creator
  3. Go to File/Open a new File or Project... and choose the top level CMakeLists.txt file. The Project loads and is ready to build.

cross-compiling (ARM toolchain)

When cross-compiling (-x option), it is assumed that the ARM toolchain has been previously activated. Otherwise the script will complain.

The ARM toolchain must be downloaded and installed. Assuming it is installed in /opt/phytec-yogurt/.