
Python-based mp3 downloader for WDR3 concert player websites

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

WDR3 Concert Downloader

Downloads audio mp3 files (@256 kbit/s) from a WDR3 concert player website, if the concert is made available in the media library for a re-listening over a 30-day period after its broadcast, hence, no download button is dispositional to the audience.

From the address bar of your web browser copy the url of the website, where the concert resides and then execute the following command:

$ python3 WDR3_concert_downloader/ [-h] [-o <file>.mp3] <url>

where e.g. url = https://www1.wdr.de/radio/wdr3/programm/sendungen/wdr3-konzert/konzertplayer-klassik-tage-alter-musik-in-herne-concerto-romano-alessandro-quarta-100.html

Note: if multiple mp3 media objects are available on the website provided, files will be downloaded and named according the scheme file.mp3, file(1).mp3, file(2).mp3, etc. in the order the objects are encountered in the html soup scan.

Runs with Python3.10

On a Linux OS download the executable file as was bundled with PyInstaller and run (sorry, no Windows 10/11 version available yet):

$ ./WDR3_concert_downloader [-h] [-o <file>.mp3] <url>

Note: this downloader is not supported by the WDR broadcasting organization, thus is inofficial! The current application supplements Streamripper that creates a native audio file from a broadcaster's mp3 livestream.

I found no way to downgrade the bitrate of the mp3 file to a smaller size without having to install ffmpeg or an add-on for sox locally. Suggestions welcome!