Read our paper "Identification and Assessment of Software Design Pattern Violations" for more detials.
This automated tool is free and available to download it from URL: , then unzip the downloaded file.
There will be two folders named "pattern" and "Repository", as well executable Jar file named "dpvia", then follow the following instructions:
The DPVIA is able to detect pattern violations successfully of 7 design patterns (e.g. Simple Factory, Factory Method, Adapter, Decorator, Observer, State and Strategy), it offers the ability to define custom patterns by the developer. Any design pattern characteristics could be defined and added to folder that named "pattern".
The developer is able to set any Java project source code files on the folder called "Repository". As well, many projects can be examined at one time.
- Open the command line,
- Execute using command: java -jar dpvia.jar
Don't hesitate to contact me, if you have any question,
Email address:
Tamer AbdElaziz Yassen.