

This project is a naive Proxy, which can be used as reverse proxy for SSL authentication .
The server redirect any request to the target address configured. As for now the target can only use HTTP scheme.

##Building the Executable The project is written in the Go programming language, so to build and run by yourself,
you first need to have Go installed and configured on your machine.

Setup Go

To download and install Go, please refer to the Go documentation.

Navigate to the directory where you want to create the jfrog-cli-go project, and set the value of the GOPATH environment variable to the full path of this directory.

Download and Build

go get github.com/TamirHadad/go-proxy/server

Go will download and build the project on your machine.
Once complete, you will find the server executable under your $GOPATH/bin directory.

SSL Configuration

The server will load naive_proxy_cert.pem naive_proxy_key.pem.
If the pem files are missing they will be created.
By default the server will start by using 8099 and 444 port.
The Ports are configurable using the following environment variables:

export PROXY_HTTP_PORT=8080

Starting The Server

By default the target of the proxy is http://localhost:8081/


You can change the default target by running the command with the target server as argument
