
An implementation of ICNet (Real-time image segmentation) in tensorflow, containing train/test phase

Primary LanguagePython



This is an implementation of ICNet in TensorFlow for semantic segmentation on the cityscapes dataset. We first convert weight from Original Code by using caffe-tensorflow framework.



  1. Support evaluation and inference code for ADE20k dataset, and the model reached 30.2% mIoU after 200k steps of training.  

Note: I trained on the non-pruned model, and I haven't done model pruning and merge bn parameters. However, it still maintain Real-time property.

  1. Support two version of models: Non-pruned and pruned version. By adding flag --filter-scale=1 or 2 to select different configurations. I recommend set --filter-scale=2 during training phase, and this doubles the number of filters (if you have any doubt, see the implementation part which described in the paper first).


  1. Improve evaluation results by changing interp operation and add zero padding in front of max pooling layer. Such modification improve the mIoU to 67.35% ( much closer to original work ). Pull request #35


  1. Support training phase, you can train on your own dataset. Please read the guide below.


  1. Add bnnomerge model which reparing for training phase. Choose different model using flag --model=train, train_bn, trainval, trainval_bn (Upload model in google drive).
  2. Change tf.nn.batch_normalization to tf.layers.batch_normalization.


Support every image size larger than 128x256 by changing the avg pooling ksize and strides in the pyramid module. If input image size cannot divided by 32, it will be padded in to mutiple of 32.


Get restore checkpoint from Google Drive and put into model directory.


To get result on your own images, use the following command:

Cityscapes example

python inference.py --img-path=./input/outdoor_1.png --dataset=cityscapes --filter-scale=1 

ADE20k example

python inference.py --img-path=./input/indoor_1.png --dataset=ade20k --filter-scale=2

List of Args:

--model=train       - To select train_30k model (Default)
--model=trainval    - To select trainval_90k model
--model=train_bn    - To select train_30k_bn model
--model=trainval_bn - To select trainval_90k_bn model
--model=others      - To select your own checkpoint

--dataset=cityscapes - To select inference on cityscapes dataset
--dataset=ade20k     - To select inference on ade20k dataset

--filter-scale      - 1 for pruned model, while 2 for non-pruned model. (if you load pre-trained model, always set to 1. 
                      However, if you want to try pre-trained model on ade20k, set this parameter to 2)

Inference time

  • Including time of loading images: ~0.04s
  • Excluding time of loading images (Same as described in paper): ~0.03s



Perform in single-scaled model on the cityscapes validation dataset. (We have sucessfully re-produced the performance same to caffe framework!)

Model Accuracy Missing accuracy
train_30k   67.67/67.7 0.03%
trainval_90k 81.06% None

To get evaluation result, you need to download Cityscape dataset from Official website first. Then change cityscapes_param to your dataset path in evaluate.py:

# line 29

Then run the following command:

python evaluate.py --dataset=cityscapes --filter-scale=1 --model=trainval

List of Args:

--model=train    - To select train_30k model (Default)
--model=trainval - To select trainval_90k model
--measure-time   - Calculate inference time (e.q subtract preprocessing time)


Reach 30.2% mIoU on ADE20k validation set.

python evaluate.py --dataset=cityscapes --filter-scale=2 --model=others

Note: to use model provided by us, set filter-scale to 2

Image Result


Input image Output image


Input image Output image

Training on your own dataset

Note: This implementation is different from the details descibed in ICNet paper, since I did not re-produce model compression part. Instead, we train on the half kernel directly.

Step by Step

1. Change the DATA_LIST_PATH in line 22, make sure the list contains the absolute path of your data files, in list.txt:


2. Set Hyperparameters (line 21-35) in train.py

INPUT_SIZE = '480,480'
NUM_STEPS = 60001
POWER = 0.9

Also set the loss function weight (line 38-40) descibed in the paper:

# Loss Function = LAMBDA1 * sub4_loss + LAMBDA2 * sub24_loss + LAMBDA3 * sub124_loss
LAMBDA1 = 0.4
LAMBDA2 = 0.6
LAMBDA3 = 1.0

3. Run following command and decide whether to update mean/var or train beta/gamma variable.

python train.py --update-mean-var --train-beta-gamma

After training the dataset, you can run following command to get the result:

python inference.py --img-path=YOUR_OWN_IMAGE --model=others

Result ( inference with my own data )

Input Output


  author = {Hengshuang Zhao and
            Xiaojuan Qi and
            Xiaoyong Shen and
            Jianping Shi and
            Jiaya Jia},
  title = {ICNet for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation on High-Resolution Images},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.08545},
  year = {2017}

Scene Parsing through ADE20K Dataset. B. Zhou, H. Zhao, X. Puig, S. Fidler, A. Barriuso and A. Torralba. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017. (http://people.csail.mit.edu/bzhou/publication/scene-parse-camera-ready.pdf)

    title={Scene Parsing through ADE20K Dataset},
    author={Zhou, Bolei and Zhao, Hang and Puig, Xavier and Fidler, Sanja and Barriuso, Adela and Torralba, Antonio},
    booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},

Semantic Understanding of Scenes through ADE20K Dataset. B. Zhou, H. Zhao, X. Puig, S. Fidler, A. Barriuso and A. Torralba. arXiv:1608.05442. (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1608.05442.pdf)

  title={Semantic understanding of scenes through the ade20k dataset},
  author={Zhou, Bolei and Zhao, Hang and Puig, Xavier and Fidler, Sanja and Barriuso, Adela and Torralba, Antonio},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.05442},